Chapter 27

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"Sit still, Jude." Natalie admonishes from the seat next to me. She's in the middle of the backseat with my parents up front so she has to deal with Jude's constant fidgeting. 

"There's not enough fucking room back here." Jude growls, trying to adjust himself more comfortably. I chuckle a little and settle in for the long ride. 

"Why couldn't we just run?" He asks exasperated and my dad sighs heavily from the front seat. 

"You know why, Jude. You're a future Alpha. Think like one." He snaps and that earns him a glare from Jude.

"I know it's because we don't want to come off as a threat to the other pack, I just think it's stupid. They know we're coming." He says and Dad sighs again. 

"Just drop it, Jude." I say, a warning tone so he doesn't set our dad off. He's been anxious lately. 

"Here." I say, reaching for Natalie and tucking her onto my lap. She squeaks in surprise before smiling warmly at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and resting her head on my shoulder. "Now you have more room." I say smugly, planting a kiss to her head. 

Jude huffs at me and stretches himself across the seat until his head lands in Natalie's lap. She laughs again and starts to run her fingers through his hair. He finally begins to calm down and I think we all silently thank Natalie for working her magic on him. He sleeps the rest of the way and I doze off eventually, enjoying an afternoon nap like I usually do. 

Much too soon we hit the other pack's boundary. My wolf begins to stir in my mind. He hates being off our pack lands and hates being on another pack even more. He snarls low in my mind as we pass the border wolves. My father lets out his aura and the other wolves back off, but don't show their submission as he isn't their Alpha. 

We drive another couple of miles, deeper into the woods until we reach the small town. It's more primitive than our pack, these wolves choosing to live truer to their wolf half rather than their human half. We reach the largest building, apparently the pack house, where the Alpha and Luna are standing waiting to greet us. We all climb out of the car, staying behind my father for now. The two men shake hands and the other Alpha ushers us up towards the pack house.

"Follow me to my office." He says. 

His Luna follows him obediently and it's clear this is one of those packs that considers females lower than males. The thought makes me sick and I reach out to hold Natalie's hand, clinging to her fingers tight. She squeezes me back, looking up at me with warmth in her eyes and I feel my heart soar with affection for my sweet little mate. I lean down to kiss her temple and she smiles up at me, a hint of mischief in her eyes as we enter the other Alpha's office and are ushered to a couch in the corner while my parents sit in the two chairs in front of his desk. His Luna goes to stand next to him, slightly behind him and lowers her eyes to the ground. 

"So. You're looking for an ally?" The other Alpha asks, getting straight to the point.

"Yes. We had a large attack. We handled it, but would like to have someone to call on, if it would ever happen again." My father says and the other Alpha nods, clearly thinking about the offer.

"And what do we get?" He asks. 

"The same in return. We would lend aid. Should you need it." My father says and the other Alpha barks out a laugh. I feel agitation begin to stir from Jude and the next moment Natalie opens a link between the three of us. It's soothing, somehow. To feel them both in my mind. 

"What makes you think we need an ally? Have you seen our location? No one attacks here." He says and Jude chimes in.

"It would be easy to attack this pack. I saw three areas of weakness just on our drive in." He snaps, a harsh look on his face. 

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