Chapter 21

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"Fucking damn it!" I hear Jude scream from upstairs and I sigh a little, rolling my eyes as I pile more food onto his tray.

"He's in a mood today." Eli murmurs, kissing my cheek as he makes his way to the front door.

"I can't blame him. It's been two weeks and he still can barely move. How frustrated would you be?" I ask, giving Eli a pointed look and he sighs while nodding his agreement.

"I know he's in a bad place, but he shouldn't take that out on you." He says firmly, but I just shrug.

"He doesn't, Eli. He knows better. He just takes it out on everything else." I say and Eli scoffs.

"Yeah. Like the remote for the tv. He didn't have to throw it against the wall." He mutters bitterly, but I just laugh a little and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I ordered another one. It'll be here tomorrow. Now go on patrol while I try to settle him down." I say and Eli nods, leaning forward to press his lips against mine. I push myself flush against his body, breathing in his scent. I let the touch linger, enjoying the way his skin feels pressed against mine. Another ferocious growl from upstairs pulls us from our quiet moment and I can see the snarl on Eli's face. He barely contains it, taking a few deep breaths before pecking my lips quickly again.

"Call me if you need help with him. But Sunshine, try not to need help." He practically begs and I can't help but laugh.

"I'll tame the beast. Be careful, baby." I say as he walks out the door.

"Love you, Sunshine!" He calls, just before the door closes.

I grab the tray of food and wander up the stairs, mentally preparing myself for an upset Jude. His already short temper has been worse the last week when he wasn't improving as quickly as he thought he should. The doctor didn't have the same concerns, but Jude's lack of patience is more of a problem than anything.

I push the door of our room open where Jude is laying in the bed on his side, his head tilted back and hands over his face in his new normal pose of annoyance. I sigh a little and walk towards him, setting the food down on the table before sitting next to him on the bed. He doesn't make any movement, so I reach out and run my fingers through his hair. He lets out a little groan and tilts his head closer to my hand, making me smile. He takes a deep breath as his hands fall to his sides, his eyes popping open to look at me with so much sorrow the breath gets knocked from my lungs.

"Am I ever gonna get better, Nat?" He asks sadly.

"Of course, baby. And Eli and I will be here to help you until you do." I say quietly, moving my hand to cup his jaw.

I move up in the bed, laying next to him before pulling him towards me. I guide his head to rest on my chest, his whole body curving around me as he holds onto me. I press a kiss to the top of his head while running my hand up and down his back. His body begins to relax against me, the tension melting from his otherwise stiff muscles. He lets out a heavy breath and I feel through our bond that he has settled down.

"I hate being useless." He murmurs under his breath. I scowl a little and tilt his chin until he's looking at me.

"The last thing you are is useless, Jude. I don't ever want to hear you say that again. You risked your life to save me and our pack. You are amazing." I say firmly and he looks at me like he doesn't believe me before nodding and nestling back down into my embrace.

"Thanks for making me breakfast." He murmurs against my chest and I can't help but smile. His face looks peaceful for the first time in a long time so I sit quietly to enjoy it for awhile.

"You hungry, baby?" I ask, running my fingers through his hair.

"Not yet. Where's Eli? I'd kind of like to take a bath." He says. His legs don't have enough energy to hold him up for a shower so he's been stuck with baths. I always make sure to pour plenty of bubbles in for him, much to his annoyance.

"He went on patrol. I can help you." I say, going to stand but he grabs my hand and pulls me back into him.

"Nat. You know I'd be naked, right?" He asks and I snort out a laugh.

"Oh my gosh, really? Like, no clothes on? Who knew that's how people bathed." I say sarcastically as he narrows his eyes at me. "It'll be fine." I say and he nods, moving so I can get up.

I head into the bathroom and start the faucet, my heart pumping hard at the thought of seeing Jude with no clothes. I mean, I've seen Eli. They're twins. Surely they can't be that different. I swallow hard at the thought and shake out my nervous hands, pouring some bubbles into the water for him.

"Don't add all that smelly shit, Nat. I'm a man, damnit!" He yells teasingly and it makes a nervous giggle slip past my lips.

I stand and enter the room in time to watch him slip his shirt over his head. My body heats as I watch his muscles ripple under the movement. He looks nearly identical to Eli, except a scar he has over his left ribs from sparing with his brother. I bite my lower lip as I watch him. His eyes meet mine and narrow with suspicion before his wolf presses forward. I shake my head a little to clear my thoughts and take a few deep breaths.

"Let's go, stinky." I tease. His low chuckle rings through the room, wrapping around me like a warm embrace.

I stand next to him and help him push up from the bed. He rests a little of his weight on me as we slowly make our way to the bathroom. He inhales the scent of the soap and lets out a small, annoyed groan and that has me laughing until he pulls away from me and slips his shorts down his legs, rendering him naked in front of me. I try to avert my eyes, but I can't help but take in his stunning form. He's slightly more muscular than Eli. With Jude's anger, he takes it out on training harder so it makes sense.

I hold his hand as he steps into the bathtub, groaning as he sinks into the bubbly, hot water. Steam wafts up and he lifts a few bubbles in his hands, blowing them at me so they land in my hair. He chuckles as he reaches out to pop them and I laugh at his antics, playfully pushing his hand away.

"I knew you liked the bubbles." I say and he grins warmly at me.

"You're right. Just don't tell anyone." He says and I tilt my head back to laugh before meeting his blue eyes with mine.

"Secret's safe with me." I murmur.

I hold eye contact, feeling like I'm swimming in the sea of his gaze, slowly falling deeper into their depths. I lean forward slightly, taking a deep breath. His large, wet hand reaches out and curls around the back of my neck, pulling my face to meet his. His kiss is desperate, pleading as he begs for entrance. I part my lips, allowing his tongue to snake through to meet mine, groaning as his taste fills my mouth. I reach out to hold his face with both of my hands, deepening the kiss as I take pleasure in the sparks licking my skin. Jude makes a pleased sound as he pulls me closer, nipping my bottom lip playfully before sucking it into his mouth and soothing the small bite of pain with his tongue.

Too soon he pulls away, pecking kisses to the corner of my mouth and cheek before pulling away to look at me. His face curves into a wide mischevious grin and I furrow my brow in confusion.

"What's that look for?" I ask.

Jude shrugs before he uses his grip on my neck to pull me towards him hard. I lose my balance and slip on the wet tile, crashing into the tub with Jude. He wraps his arms around me as I sputter out water, my hair and clothes dripping as water sloshes onto the floor. I gasp at him, smacking his chest as he pulls me against him under the water.

"Jude!" I yell, but he can't hear me over his booming laughter.

"What, Sunshine? I just wanted you to join me." He says cheekily, a wide smile splitting his face.

My anger quickly dissipates and a grin replaces it, knowing I would do anything to see that look on his face again.

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