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We lay down that night, a night I would often replay in mind.

He holds me close as he always does. Something stirs him. It's sudden but it's striking and it pulls me out of my sleep.

Slade stands, lightning flashing behind the window. A tear tracks down his cheek.

I sit up hurriedly, still groggy. "Slade, what are you doing what's going on?"

"I have to go, I have to go to town I must go now," he murmured, grabbing his sword.

I follow behind him. "You can't. It's the festival remember? You said he who should not be named were never supposed to go to his temple, Slade?"

He doesn't hear me. He suddenly stops. He turns around, cupping my cheek.

"Listen to me. Orion will stop at nothing to see me destroyed. And there have been...too much peace. Balance has shifted to his side. I'm almost...I'm almost out of power."

"Wait...no this is all happening so fast. Where are you going?" I please holding his hand cupping my face.

"If...I ever return I may in this form—"

"Slade, Slade wait please—"

"Let me say this. Let me get it out. There's a book in that room. If...when I go. You must never set foot in a temple. Never mention his name. Never speak it. Never. Promise me."

I purse my lips nodding frantically. My eyes water. What's happening. Why is this happening?

Why am I so unlucky.

He pressed his forehead against mine desperately. "I love you, Monika."

And then he's gone. Po stands behind me.

I look at my hands before running into his room. My heart pounds in my heart louder than anything other than those words echoing.

I love you. I grab a sword, and run into the rain, throwing Slade's fur over my shoulders. It weighs my shoulders.

It's fine.

"Madam wait, please! You can't go too far!"

Po follows behind me as I run outside to the stables. She tries to follow me, stopping at the door and reaching out.

I look behind me. She can't leave. She can't leave. I look down feeling my wound begin to ache. All the things sustained by his power are fading.

Is he...?

I get on a horse, trying to keep the tears out of my eyes. I have to be strong. Surely...if it's Slade everything will work out.

This is my happily ever after after all.

I can't be this unlucky, can I?

The storm gets worse, as the horse hall pops down the path and into the town.

The festival lines the streets, so I hop off, running on foot again, trying to catch glimpse of him.

"Slade? Slade?!"

Lightning flashes, catching my eyes. No one is looking. Can they not...can not see that?

A man with long grey hair is hovering over Slade, whose blade sticks into his chest. His skin is almost all black now.

Dion is on his hands and knees behind Slade, looking up his eyes wide with terror.

"Slade!" I scream.

His eyes find mine, widening. He shakes his head gently.

Is this him? Orion. He stands above the temple his body white, contrasting the black sky.

Slade's hand reaches out, a large blade skewering him into the ground made of light.

"You have ruined mankind long enough," He booms.

Slade scoffs. "I think you overestimate my power."

"No..." He says. "You overestimated your power. You should've never come...brother."

Slade smirks derisively. "I hate when you act like we're family. You are nothing but a pretentious faker! If you were a true god you would understand balance! You do know what you are doing Orion! The end of war is not the end of suffering!"

Orion screams, his face contorting into hatred pushing that blade deeper.

Slade's back arches. "You cannot deny humanity's nature forever, Orion. I will return. I always do."

He says nothing, disappearing the sky lightening. I run toward him.

"Slade! Slade! Dion help me! Let's get him to the temple let's—"

Dion stands frozen, his eyes wide with tears of red streaking down his face. "Father..."

Slade winces. "I am...no one's...father."

Before I can touch him he's gone nothing remains of him.

His necklace appears around my neck.

I drop to my knees, touching it


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