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Humans are beneath you. Don't get attached to them. They're untrustworthy. That's what Slade has always told me.

As I got older, he told me that men especially could not be trusted. That they were disgusting creatures who only wanted to take from women.

That it would rare to find a man I deserve, that I shouldn't bother. So I tried women. He said women too could be devious, that anyone would be too tempted if they saw how I never aged.

Victor isn't like that though. He knows, about Slade, about everything. He says he still loves me, that he'll do anything for me.

I wanted to bring him home. But as soon I brought it up...

I'm human. If humans are all these things what makes me different? I'm tired of being alone. My heart aches in emptiness.

I want to love and be loved I need it. I crave it desperately and it can't be sated with just Slade or Monika or the boys.

I need something else. A different type of love. Slade always warns me against it. And yet there is, with Monika.

Then it's not impossible, is it? Why am I exempt? I speed toward him. He'll be in the fields. A smile tugs at my lips.

Victor...even his name fills me with such joy.

I slow down.

"Ah...is that you, Fallon? I felt a breeze."

He turns around with a small smile, wiping his forehead.

"It is," I whispered.

Victor is a good man, though a bit sickly. His dark hair flops into his face as he coughs a bit, holding his hands open to me.

"What did your father say? Will we be married?"

I pull away, looking down. "No, he won't let us. He forbade from seeing you."

Victor frowns. "Is it wise to be here then? S a god can't he find you?"

I shrug leaning back on the grass my face to the sun. "He doesn't care that much. How is your ailment?"

"Better now that you're here," he smiles softly, taking my hand and sitting next to me.

There is a weakness in Victor's lungs. He's skinny, even for the amount of work he has to do. I hear his lungs laboring. If Slade won't make him like me...he'll die this summer.

He doesn't know. I don't tell him.

"I know you wanted to marry," he says softly, brushing my cheek. "We still can. We can avoid his temple, Orion's too. The Water God, perhaps. Good and neutral."

I shake my head. "No...it's okay. I want to...I want to get back at him, for what he's done. Why can't he just let me be happy."

Victor sighs. "We cannot presume to know the will of the gods, Fallon. Besides...he loves you. I'm sure he's trying to protect you from something."

I shake my head. "You what we should do? We should make a suicide pact. Get back at him that way."

Victor looks over at me. "Are you kidding?"

I take out a knife from my jacket. "This came from Slade's temple. It can kill me. I'm sure of it."

Victor raised his brows. "Suicide pact huh? Isn't that very extreme?"

I shrug. "Maybe a bit. I'm tired of living and you..."

"I'm tired of dying," he finishes, looking very exhausted.

"Well...it would be a beautiful day for a funeral I suppose. Will your family bury me?" He smiles.

My heart pangs. I know he's in pain. He winced with every breath. He deserves peace. I wish we could marry. Be happy. But it won't be long. And my diluted blood can't save him.

Only Slade can and I know he won't.

"It hurts," he whispered. "Less when you're near. But gods does it hurt, Fallon." He smiles. "A pact then?"

I nod. "Let's go peacefully together."

"And if you do happen to give a curse to your father as you go," he smirks.

I shrug. "All the better."

He chuckles before dissolving into a cough. Blood spills from his lips.

"If you're not busy...now is as good a time as any," He smiles. "But are you sure? Fallon...you have so much to live for you should—"

I take his hand. "I heard soulmates can be together in the afterlife. You'll be healthy there."

He inhaled raggedly, closing his eyes. "Don't do this for me, Fallon. I know I don't have long. You don't have to put with me. Keep burning brightly. Keep traveling—"

"I grow weary. I have seen all the sights. Tasted every food. Made love to every type of woman. Every type of man. I just want...to be in love." I smile. "So let's escape."

His hand trembles. "I'll lose my nerve. Will you do it for me? I'd like...to look at you."

I nod, pulling it to my chest. "I love you, Victor. Go in peace, and I'll meet you there."

He squeezes me tighter. "I'll be waiting, my love."

I plunge the knife into his chest, stabbing his heart directly. He lets out a short gasp. I feel him fade.

I take the knife out of his back and plunge it in my own heart. My blood pours out, warm. Ah...I haven't felt this warm in so long. I smile, a tear of relief falling from my face.

I grab his hand, sighing, as I feel like life leave me.

Then my eyes open. The pain is gone. I look down. And so is the wound. But Victor is still lifeless.

"No..." I murmur, shaking my head, taking the knife to my chest again. It barely bleeds this time.

"No, no no, no.," sobs wrack my body, as I pull Victor into my arms.

He's waiting for me. He's waiting for me I have to go to him.

I feel him. My eyes raise to his form. He looks down at the scene in pity. It's his fault. He did this. He turned me into this!

"I told you...my dear child. You do not want to fall in love with humans. They die, my child. They die. And you don't."

I shake my head. "You didn't tell me..." I can barely utter a whisper. "Nothing could kill me."

Slade's arms wrap around me. I want to push him away. I want to hate him. But I crumble. I need him. My father. He's all I have.

"I'm sorry child. I didn't understand. I'm sorry I didn't understand." He sheds a tear, and it falls onto my face, as I scream until my throat goes numb, over my dead love.

Whom I killed.

"I hate you," I hiss.

"I know," he whispered, pulling me closer. "I know."

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