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I can't seem to get my bearings. My head hurts. Because of all the energy, I guess. I look around. Where am I?

More importantly, where is she?

At first, I thought maybe I was wrong. Maybe her power was going haywire, I get over the top of the hill, seeing a flood of people.

But it's not likely. I can tell when her power spikes. I can feel it. This wasn't a spike, and even if it was she wouldn't go somewhere she hasn't been.

Usually; to poof somewhere you have to know where it is first. You have to have been there. Otherwise, you'll get lost in the void instead of where you want to go.

If she did accidentally poof it would've been to her home town and she knows how to get home from there: the problem isn't that she's gone.

It's that she hasn't come back.

She would've come back; if not just to tell me that she's going somewhere. Which means something is preventing her from getting home.

She became a goddess from my power, which means she inherited my strength. Minor gods pose no threat to her. Only me, Fringella, Youin, and...well it was Orion.

One down.

I looked around as he entered the city, staring at the sign as he paused it. The city of Rose. The city of Rose. I've never heard of that. I walked in, noting a now familiar statue.

My wife. That Rose. The Rose from the war.

I stumble deeper into the city. We haven't been going out in a long time. A whole city? She has a temple...it's huge.

I have to tell her she's going to be so-

Oh. I walk into her temple. It's full. Hundreds of humans, bowing to her. I pause seeing a woman in a white bow at her altar, pouring out a bottle of wine.

A devotion ceremony. Monika would love to bless this. It would be here first. And it's no wonder she can't hear it.

He looked up at the inscription on the temple. Her name wasn't Rose.

I sit next to the woman.

"Bless my husband," she glanced at me. "Can I help you?"

I shake my head. "Her name is Monika. She would love to bless you if you use her name."

The woman frowns. "Her name is Rose. This whole city is named after her."

I smile. "Trust me. Her name is Monika."

The woman's hands shake. She looks at the statue.

"Bless my marriage...Monika-"

I smile. Her first prayer. Wait...if I can't find her, maybe I can communicate by prayer. I don't know if god to god prayer works but...it's worth a shot.

I kneel down. I don't have an offering. Well...I make a knife, slitting my wrist and pouring it into the altar.

They don't have her hair right. It is long enough, it isn't curly enough. It upsets me for some reason.

"Monika," I murmur. "If you can hear me, pray to me. Help me find you,"

I pause. My name...I don't have my true name anymore.

The people who love you, call you Slade. So that's your true name.

Yes. She said something like that once. I feel like...if she calls me I will hear her.

"Tell me where you are, Monika. I will find you. I will save you."


I open my eyes, looking around.  "Is that you? Try tracing the source of the prayer. Like following a scent. It'll get stronger the closer you get. Find me. Where are you? Who has you?"

I can't leave.


Slade...I don't know where I am.

"What does it look like?" The connections getting weaker, I slit my wrists again. "Who is it? Do you know them?"

It's just black. Pure black. Don't worry I'm...fine.

No. If it's dark that counts out Fringilla. Her power plants, without light her powers are weaker than Monika's.

Who thrives on darkness.

"What does it look like? Monika, right. Don't worry, I'll take care of them. I'll kill whoever it is. Just get home."

I don't think...you can. They're too strong.

They. More than one. Most gods work alone. Nothing comes to mind.

Orion drew his power from people. If people weren't near him his power was severely limited.

I'm the only one who doesn't have a limit. Me and Youin. Youin draws on water and there's water everywhere. Even in a desert, there are clouds.

I'll be okay, Slade. Just...

"Ah," the woman beside me smiles. "Is this a blessing? I somehow feel...light," she held her head back.

I smile. "Yes. Spread the word. Her name is Monika and she is a benevolent goddess. Pray to her."

Hopeful with prayers she'll grow stronger. Until I can find her.

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now