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"These are serious accusations," Fringella states, her flowers growing larger.

Fringella's godly form is interesting, her skin green, and her hair made of flowers and vines. Her fingertips are black, as she closes her eyes.

"I take my duties seriously," I reply. "This vendetta Orion harbors has kept me from doing my duty for 400 years. You seem to forget, Orion you are not a king of gods. The balance determines what is right, and what is wrong. So then if I'm able to give them power, the balance has deemed it acceptable."

I shrug. "Or...are you placing yourself above the Balance?"

"Nonsense," he stammers. "Still the Balance is silent-"

"If the Balance is silent then you should be also," I say simply, standing. "You concern yourself too much with my affairs. Worry about yourself, and those humans, and what they're going to eat. Yes?"

Orion snarls as I smile.

Fringilla purses her lips, as Youin looks away.

"Now, Slade," She coughs, keeping her eyes closed. "Let's all be civil."

"I'm a God of war," I shrug. "Civil isn't one of my strong suits. I can be vicious, however."

"Let's take a recess." Fringella says sternly. We stand, and the gods disperse.

Fringilla comes up to me, leaving flowers in her wake. "You ought to pretend you have some sense of shame," she smirks, nodding to Youin.

He smiles back nodding as well. Youin glanced around.

"So...Fringella," he says softly, as we walk into another room. "She's...something isn't she?"

I raise my brows. "You're interested in her?"

Youin frowns, his gills closing. "I-Interested? I mean...what does that even mean?"

I shrug, making a cup of wine, and holding it out to him. He takes it.

"You think she's attractive? Want to get to know her?" I suggest, swigging my drink.

"Those sound like such human things. And you? Did you...get to know that woman?"

I smile. "Yes. Yes, I did. I came to know her, to love her. I adore her-"

"There you go again," Youin whispers. "Slade...I don't agree with Orion but...you are being disturbingly human. Especially for your power."

I pause. "I've got it under control," I pat his shoulder, my wings shifting as I do.

"Do you?" He asks dubiously.

I just pat his shoulder. "I'm going home. I'll be back tomorrow."

• • •

I open my temple and am rushed by Monika whose arms wrap around my neck, as she pressed a kiss to my skin.

"You're alive and in your other form and! Oh, I was worried, you should have seen me, ask Fallon I almost cut my hair and dyed it."

I frown. "Ah...it's been a day."

She pulled back frowning. "It's been two years."

I blink. Well, time does move differently in the void. I raise my brows. "I see. It took me longer than I thought, I'm so-"

"What did they say what happened?" She keeps kissing my face drawing a smile from me. She hugs me tightly, hanging off me and letting herself float as I walk into the kitchen.

"Orion was an idiot. Everyone else was fine. It was normal, there's nothing to worry about."

Nathaniel leans against the doorway his arms crossed. "When are you going back?"

Monika frowns. "Back I thought it was over?"

That damned boy. I'm going to have to teach him some manners.

Monika is unsettled once more looking at me in deep worry. I smooth the wrinkle in her brow, kissing her gently. I press my forehead against hers.

"I am so tired of wearing this armor, my goddess. Well, you bring me my cape?"

She nods gently, kissing my forehead as she goes. My eyes settle on Nathaniel who shrugs.

"Didn't know I was supposed to lie. So when is the recess over? Summits usually take a hundred years, at least does she know that?"

I sit at the table. "Nathaniel, I want you to understand something."

He waits. I sigh, sitting back.

"You are my child. Not just in the sense I have parented you, but also in the sense that I am your god and you are still, human. Your questioning of me and my choice has become irritating."

Nathaniel smirks. "Will you smite me, Father? You don't have the heart. Or perhaps, you do."

Yes. Maybe he's right. Smite him? No. I couldn't. None of my children. Lock him away for a few thousand years?

"I think you'll find death is the least of your worries," I smile.

"Here, take that clunky armor off," she admonishes, taking my sword. "I can't believe you just up and left I should kill you!"

I nod, as she fusses and frets, going from angry and worried and relieved. She's lovely. The love she gives me is warm and tangible, her soft brown eyes falling on my form as if I were a regular man.

I grab her, pulling her in, kissing her head gently. "Monika. I love you."

She pouts softly, her eyes darting to the ground. Her soft brown skin contrasts my fur coat in her hands, her bracelet gleaming in the light.

She is gorgeous, the epitome of beauty of grace. I smile. "Did you miss me, my little wife?"

She nods softly, pressing her forehead against mine, her hand drifting down my chest.

"I did," she whispers in my ear, her lips attaching to my ear. "Come into the bedroom, let's... talk, baby."

Nathaniel rolls his eyes, leaving the room with a mutter.

"Something isn't right," she whispers in my ear ever so softly. "Something isn't right with that boy."

I wrap my arm around her bottom carrying her, into the bedroom. "Something isn't right with all of them. It's not their fault."

She simply shakes her head, opting to kiss my neck instead. "If you say so, dear."

Bride of War (18+)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang