Chapter 3: Strange Things

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He walks into the bedroom after coming from the living room where him, his parents, and Kelsey were watching the baby while playing multiplayer video games together. At this point, him and Kelsey had played a round of Call of Duty together, and now it was his parents and Kelsey's turns to play together. He closes the door, turns on the small 5,200 BTU Haier window air conditioner that is installed in the larger window and sits down below it with his back against the wall. He grabs his phone to browse YouTube as a further distraction from his depression, when his eyes lock onto something else. A pack of Dollar General brand swim pull-up diapers for Jason, which are laying underneath the combo crib/playpen directly across from him. For some reason, Brendan is suddenly interested in them, though he doesn't know why. He crawls across the floor to the playpen where he pulls the small opened bag of 13 "swim pants" out from underneath. The next thing he knows, he is pulling a diaper out of the bag and looking at it. It is very soft in his hand, and has some cute print on it with beach themed stuff. He is then compelled to see if it fits. So there he goes, into the bathroom where he takes his pants and underwear off and manages to slide it up his legs. "Wow, a perfect fit", he thinks. Almost immediately, he gets a sense of comfort and security that he hasn't felt since he was a toddler. He also gets the urge to pee. He goes to pull it down so he can use the toilet, but then realizes that he is wearing a portable toilet. He starts to let go, and he can feel the warm pee trickle down the front of the pull-up and pool below his bodily anatomy. He is instantly hooked. But then he sees himself in the mirror-a 13 year old boy who is wearing a wet swim diaper he stole from his sister, and starts to feel a deep shame and guilt. He throws the diaper away, cleans up, and continues with his evening.

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