Chapter 5: The Great Discovery

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Brendan goes back to bed, secretly hoping the dream would resume. Unfortunately it doesn't, nor does it come back for the next week. The whole time he has his mind on that dream, and the diapers. One evening, he grabs his phone and pulls up Google, using search terms such as "Why would a teen boy have a dream about being a toddler girl" and "why would a teen like diapers?". The first result brings up random stuff that doesn't really answer anything, but the second result brings up something called "ABDL" or "TBDL". He clicks on a link to a forum called "ADISC" that is titled "What if your child is ABDL?". Brendan scrolls through the forum, where he learns that ABDL stands for "Adult Baby/Diaper Lover" and TBDL stands for "Teen Baby/Diaper Lover". He then comes to the understanding that he is at least a "diaper lover" and goes to join the forum however upon reading the rules, finds that he has to be 18 before he can join. "Oh well, but I understand", he thinks and goes back to trying to figure out that dream. Eventually, he finds the term "transgender", which means that someone identifies as a gender that doesn't align with their assigned sex at birth. "He" then realizes that, now she, is actually a teen girl, instead of a boy. Suddenly, things finally start to make sense. Like how she has always wanted toys marketed towards little girls instead of boys, why she has been so depressed about herself pretty much her whole life and more. The giant puzzle has finally found the missing piece, and now all that remains is to find her new name and *shivers* come out to her family. "What if they are transphobic and kick me out!?" she thinks. After a short while of looking at coming out stories on the internet as well as checking out multiple feminine name generators, she finally finds her new first name- Savannah. Now with a new name, a plan and a backup plan in case anything goes awry, she decides to first come out to Mom and Dad, her sister, and the rest of her family. Savannah takes a long breath, mutters to herself "everything's gonna be okay; you got this!", and takes the longest and slowest steps to her parent's bedroom door that she has never taken in her 13 years of life. "It's time" she thinks, and then knocks. "Who is it!?", Mom yells. "Hopefully this will be the last time I ever have to be called this name in my family home", Savannah thinks, and matters a weak sounding "Brendan". "Come on in!" mom says. Savannah walks in and sits on the foot of her parent's bed, where they lie together as they drink soda and watch Jeopardy after a long, grueling day of 9-to-5 work. "Mom, dad. I have something I need to tell you. At isn't bad or anything, but very important and I need your support." Dad says "you know we will love you no matter what, so tell us!" Before Savannah can speak, Mom says "Baby, you know that I will support you through anything just like your dad, sisters and the rest of your family." Savannah takes another deep breath, and bluntly blurts out "I am a transgender girl and my name is now Savannah" as she starts to tear up. "Savannah, don't cry. Again you are well loved and supported and I am happy to know the true you." Mom pulls Savannah into her lap and wipes her years away, and Savannah says "Yeah. I also am a diaper lover who likes to wear diapers for comfort." "Well, when we go clothes shopping for you I will let you pick out some cute diapers. With everything you are going through right now it is normal and good too have a coping mechanism, which in this case is wearing diapers. Is there any other babysit things you like?" Savannah then tells them of the dream she had, the fact she wants to be a little toddler girl, how jealous she is of little girls, and then starts to uncontrollably bawl and shake as her parents cuddle her. "We will get you anything and everything you would need and want to be you, baby girl.", said Mom. "Thanks", Savannah squeaked. After coming out to and getting the same positive and affirmative responses from her sisters as well as most of the outside family (which even then none are explicitly negative and/or transphobic, just some of the more religious members who need a little more time to adjust), Savannah goes to sleep and for the first time in her life, falls asleep without having to lay there for an hour or more.

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