Chapter 2

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"Happy birthday!" Amanda squealed, bursting into Evan's room suddenly to find his bed empty and the young brunette lying face first on his desk. He was hunched over sitting in his desk chair, papers scattered everywhere, and his glasses were sitting on top of his head with a pencil slipped under the nose bridge making him look like a unicorn. "Evan?" Amanda called, concerned, and gently shook the young man's shoulders trying to wake him up when she let out a screech as he suddenly sat up with a great bellowing yell looking around in panic.

"I'll get it done!" Evan cried out, breathing heavily, and he started blinking rapidly squinting his eyes since everything was really blurry making it impossible to make anything out. "Where are my...?"

"On your head," Amanda said, reaching over and she slipped the pencil free setting it on the desk looking over all the papers on the desk which, suspiciously, looked almost exactly the same. "Are you doing your classmates homework again? I told you to stop letting them intimidate you into doing their work," Amanda said, gently pulling Evan's chair away from the desk moving his glasses down for the boy who was yawning into his hand while the other was wiping drool off his face. He thanked the Moon Goddess it hadn't gotten onto any of the papers.

"Some Betas ganged up on me last night and kept saying they've been too busy with party preparations to do any of their school work and 'asked' if I could do it for them. And yes, I mentioned how I've also been helping with the party too and can do my work just fine but they pointed out that, as a weak Omega and for being so short, they had more manual labor to do so they're more exhausted or some bullshit I didn't care about and didn't want to listen to anymore so I gave in and they finally went away. I've got six more to do and then I'll be done," Evan said, rubbing his eyes and he moved to grab his pencil when Amanda pulled his chair further away from the desk again. "Hey! I've still go work to do," Evan whined, complaining, but Amanda wasn't having any of it as she yanked him from his chair and started pushing him out the door.

"It's your birthday today and I refuse to let my very best friend waste even a minute of his special day doing other peoples work who can't be bothered to do it themselves. You and I are going to have our traditional birthday breakfast, finish whatever chores we have to do today, and then after the birthday party tonight me and some of the other Omega's are taking you out for dinner! I even reserved us a table at a very classy place so be prepared," Amanda said with an excited giggle, making Evan sit down at the kitchen table. It was still early morning so there was no one around, even in the packhouse, so they had the whole living room to themselves which was connected to the kitchen. If they walked through a swinging door past the fridge in the corner of the kitchen, it led to a large dinning room which was mostly used by the Alpha and Luna along with Quinton and a select few close to the family.

"I thought we couldn't leave because of the Alpha son's since they're coming of age," Evan pointed out, offering to help Amanda but she insisted on making her "famous" pancakes all by herself.

"Well, I actually found out something, purely by accident, which has freed up our evening a little bit. It'll be a late dinner but we can do it! As long as we don't fill up at the party," Amanda said with a smile as she started making the pancake batter. "I was helping my mother wrap presents and when my father came home, Beta Cas started talking to him outside the door and he just so happened to mention that the Alpha son's were born around the same time which means they'll find their mates, or each other most likely, around... six-thirty! Quinton was born at six-twenty five and Damien was born a little bit after six-thirty two which means we can slip away around seven and go to the restaurant having ourselves our own mini party," Amanda said with a bright smile and a giggle, Evan unable to do anything but smile back seeing his friend so excited.

"I wish I knew when I was born. For all I know, I should be looking for my mate right now and I'll never know until tomorrow," Evan said with a sigh, resting his chin on his hands and he watched Amanda cook who started to go off into a tangent about her favorite TV show.

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