Chapter 5

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"Is he going to be okay? He looked like he couldn't breathe!" a familiar voice called out sounding worried. Everything around him sounded muffled and far away, his eyes feeling heavy like lead, but he was slowly regaining his consciousness. "Get off me! I'm not abandoning Evan!" that same familiar voice screeched and he could hear her struggling. It took Evan a minute but he finally placed the name to the voice as his best friend, Amanda, and the voice of her parents.

"Amanda, stay back. It's dangerous," Amanda's father spoke, sounding firm but also concerned just like she was. It sounded like Amanda was struggling against him which was odd for her since she loved her father larger than life and respected him. For her to be fighting against him, it must be something really serious.

"Calm down! You're making a scene," Amanda's mother hissed at her, clearly more worried about causing a spectacle than anything else though Evan wasn't surprised by this behavior. Either because he was used to it or because she was friends with gossip-magnet Margo.

"I don't care! Let me go!" Amanda screamed. Evan could hear her struggling which had his heart rate accelerating. What could be making Amanda so scared? Evan attempted to sit up, wanting to go to his friends to comfort her, but he found he was already sitting up, in a way, while being squeezed between two bodies on either side of him. Evan cracked open his eyes, feeling both tired and refreshed at the same time, which had people gasping all around him. "Evan!" Amanda called out, sounding relieved. She also sounded rather close but Evan couldn't see a thing, everything around him looking very blurry and our of focus.

"He's waking up," a female voice said almost breathlessly, also sounding familiar but Evan couldn't figure it out. It also didn't help that voices rose up all around him, whispering amongst one another too quietly for Evan to make out but he could tell there were a lot of people all around him.

"What happened?" Evan asked, reaching up to grab his head. It felt like something was pulsing from the center, expanding in size like his head might implode at any second.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" the female voice asked, sounding like it was in front of him but it was too dark to distinguish the blurry blobs standing around him. For all Evan knew, he was staring at a tree but he thought he recognized the voice this time.

"Luna?" Evan called out, trying to wiggle free from between the bodies on either side of him but they had a tight hold on him that was either a comforting hug or a death grip that was trying to crush him. "Could you guys get off? I'm fine now?" Evan asked, squirming some more, but he wasn't fighting all that hard. He still felt weak but he also felt... comfortable. Strangely, though, he got twin growls in response that made him melt back into their arms.

"How are you feeling?" Luna Neveah asked, her voice calm but firm with a touch of worry.

"I'm not sure," Evan admitted, squinting ahead of him trying to see the Luna and he was pretty sure he could make out her shape... until an insanely warm hand gently gripped his chin and turned his face a little to the right making Neveah giggle. "Sorry," Evan said and squirmed again until the people hugging him reluctantly relented, helping Evan to his feet gripping his arms and waist as Evan wobbled a little but he was starting to feel better. "Has anyone seen my-?" As the two people on either side of him were helping him stand up, moving about themselves, Evan and everyone else heard a crunching sound and the breaking of glass making Evan wince followed by a whimper. "Please don't tell me that's what I think it was," Evan said, almost begging for it not to be true, but Evan could feel them under his own shoe as he carefully lifted up his foot off the ground.

"I'll go get your spare glasses!" Amanda called from somewhere but that only made Evan let out another whimper.

"Those were my spare," Evan whined, hanging his head, and he let out a long groan. He went to pinch the bridge of his nose but those two people were still standing abnormally close to him, their hands still gripping his arms and their own wrapped around his waist. "Seriously, can you back off?" Evan asked, trying to step away from them but they weren't having any of it and Evan realized he... didn't mind?

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