Chapter 37: Cam

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The bells above the door alerted me to a customer at the door. "We're closing up soon. If you'd like to make an appointment, I could...." I dropped the broom.

"Cam?" A small voice said, rasped with emotion.

I spun on my heels. Summer stood by the front desk.

When our gazes connected, Summer ran towards me.

"What's wrong? What happened? Is it your mom?" I asked all at once.

Summer mumbled something, but it was incoherent.

I wrapped my arms around her. If she needed this hug, we could stay like this as long as she wanted.

After what felt like five minutes or more, Summer seemed to have cooled off.

"Can I ask what happened? Do you want to talk about it?" I kissed her head top.

Summer stayed silent.

"Did you walk all the way here from home? You should have called me. I would have made a U-turn and got you."

Her arms went slack around my waist, and Summer pulled away slowly. It took her a second before she lifted her head.

Clearing her throat, she said, "My mom has been having an affair with the Mayor." I clenched my teeth. "I don't know for how long, but she told him she loved him. And reminded him of how he was supposed to leave his wife for her. They sounded serious. Mom was upset that he lied about his past, and she wanted to leave him, but then he kissed her." Summer gagged at the same time I had to swallow the vomit creeping up my throat.

I didn't want to picture that at all.

"She was with him even though she knew it would ruin his family and ours... If I found out. I don't know how she planned to tell me something like that." Another tear was shed. "I can't believe I'm freaking crying. I was just so shocked and upset. I didn't know what to do. And I thought of my dad and said to myself that we wouldn't be in this predicament if he were here. Then I missed him. It was all too much."

Summer closed her eyes, and her forehead rested on my chest. I rubbed her back soothingly. "I'm sorry."

"The worst part, I knew she heard me sneaking away. I have to go home and face here, but what if he's there. Gosh... I hope she kicked him out."

If she didn't, I'd be there to give him the boot.

Mom walked in on us. "What's going on?"

Summer sniffled, followed by a hiccup. "Hi, Mrs. St. James." Summer waved. "It's a long" Hiccup. "Story." Hiccup.

"I'll get you some water," Mom said empathetically, heading towards the back again.

"I'm sorry to dump this all on you. I know he's your sperm donor, and this is all types of messed up and weird. I just couldn't think of anywhere else to run to. You were the first person on my mind that I felt like I needed to tell. And, I wanted one of your hugs and forehead kisses." Summer went in for another hug, and I welcomed it.

Anything to make my sunshine feel better.

After handing Summer a water bottle, Mom walked up front, flipping off the open sign switch and locking the doors.

I took Summer around back to the employee lounge and sat her down. I placed her hand in mine and prayed to God that this wouldn't end in a disaster.

"I have something to tell you," I said to Summer, then looked at my mom. "To tell both of you."

I started from the night I got arrested. I described what was said and what I saw from the front yard.

Mrs. Bennet had been watching the whole scene from the bedroom window in her robe, but she slipped out of sight when I saw her. I knew what was going on between them for months, but I wasn't allowed to tell Summer.

"No wonder she automatically started hating you. You knew their secret, and they blackmailed you into keeping your mouth shut." Summer stood, reclaiming her hand. "You should have told me, no matter what was at stake, we could have fixed it together."

I sighed, hanging my head. The next part was going to be about Mom. And then I would have two women pissed off at me. "That wasn't the only thing. They own this building." I lifted my hands, gesturing to the place. "They said with my ruined rep that they'd make sure the business went belly up if I didn't listen to their demands."

Mom gasped. Her face went from shock to anger in five seconds.

I hurried to finish my explanation. "They said I had to stay away from Summer or they would ruin the salon's business and kick Mom out. I threatened to go public with the whole thing, but stupid Paul said that it didn't work out well for Mom the last time and told me not to risk it."

Summer's hands flew to her hips, and she stared me down, but I couldn't meet her gaze.

"Mom knew about this deal and went along with it even though she knew how I felt about you?"

I nodded. "She was there when the deal was made. She wanted me far away from you. She demanded that you stay kept you in the dark."

Summer snickered, then stomped her foot.

"Dang it, Cameron!" Summer shouted. "I can't even... How could you... All this time, we could've... "She was unable to finish half of the sentences she started.

Getting frustrated with herself, Summer made a move to leave.

"Wait, wait, wait. Please." I launched out of my seat, running to grab hold of her hand.

"I came here to cool off, and now I think I might be more pissed off than before."

"I understand. But please don't leave like this. At least let me take you home. It's late," I pleaded.

Summer slipped her hand out of mine but reluctantly agreed to a ride.

"Mom, I'll be back, and then we could take if you want." I wanted her to say no, let's talk about it tomorrow but judging by the looks of it, Mom was going to wring my ear off.

My eyes went to Mom, and she said, "I'll see you at home. Where we will be finishing this talk."

The look on her face left no room for excuses.

"Yes, ma'am."

Summer said goodnight, and Mom hugged her goodbye.

In the car, Summer was quiet, but that was expected. I didn't want to drop her home with things between us like this, but I knew nothing would get resolved tonight.

Summer needed time to process and think things through.

I would too.


Summer shook her head. "Please don't talk to me right now, Cam. I can't do any more drama for the rest of the night," she muttered, keeping her eyes staring straight out the window.

Her arms were crossed against her chest like she felt she needed to shield herself away from me.

I knew I said we were over the lies, but I had a few left. I should have taken all those earlier moments and told her. Summer shouldn't have found this way.

When we made it to her house, she whispered thanks and hopped out.

I waited for the usual wave and smile, but I got none of that. My girl left me hanging.

And I would spend all night thinking of ways to make this up to her.

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