Chapter 15 - Movie Night

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It's been two days since you guys come back from the beach house. Mr. Tsukasa and Ms. Hisata did not want you to leave but you said to them that you will visit them again. Katakuri did come with you guys. You were surprise because katakuri, Crocodile and mihawk really get well along. You always see them at the terrace in the main house just beside just beside the room of shanks, Marco and Mihawk.

The other guys are just acting normally around Katakuri. Doffy is still glaring at him when they cross paths. And Katakuri also will glare at him. There are always a tension around them two.

Before a fight will start you always go between them and push them away. You threatened them if they keep fighting you will give the chores of the other guys to them. Doffy will turn away and scowl and katakuri will just played his scarf. You feel like a mother scolding a very stubborn kids.

You are now in your room scrolling on your phone and listening to music. The guys are doing their own thing. It's 10:45 am now means sanji is probably cooking now. While the other guys either they are watching tv in the living room or in the garden probably chilling there.

Katakuri is assign to sleep in Eustass Assign Room (who complain to you that he don't want to share room with katakuri because it's crowded.) but you shush him up and you said that it will be final. He just glare at you and sulk. The other three which is Zoro, Sanji and Croco- chan don't have a problem on it. You want to assign katakuri to share with law, Sabo , Ace and luffy room but all of their clothes are in there since it's the larger room than the two room. You did not suggest your room because probably the guys will complain if you will let katakuri sleep in your room.

Also, you buy them a touch screen phone each. Because they always borrow your phone to play games or any things that they to do since you teach them how to use it. Your phone will return to you when it has a low battery. You buy a cheap one because you cannot afford a latest phone. Even your phone you just brought it three years ago since your first phone got broke because you accidentally sit on it. I really need to work hard for living. You thought sadly. Because your money in the bank that your parents left , you always with draw it for your expenses in the house.

You snap back from your thinking because someone is knocking at your door. You answer to come in, and you see sabo standing at the door.

"Miss y/n, it's time for lunch." Sabo inform with a smile.

You smile also. He really have a cute smile. You thought happily.

"Okey sabo-san." You stand up from your bed and walk towards him. "Let's go together." You suggested and he nod at you and offer his arm to you, you laugh a little and hold at him.

You go down together and walk towards the kitchen where the guys is already their. The kitchen is really crowded when you are all there. And as usual Luffy, Ace and Eustass are eating really fast while the food are spitting from their mouth. Mihawk is drinking wine while scrolling at his phone. Shanks and Zoro are having a drinking contest . Law and Corazon are chatting while they are eating their food. Only Katakuri, Doffy, croco-chan, Marco are eating silently. Sanji is putting food on the table that will be devour in seconds by the hungry trio. He will shout at them and the trio don't listen at him.

You sat beside Marco who smile upon seeing you and you also smile at him, since it's the only vacant seat while Sabo sit between Law and Doffy. Sanji is now sitting beside Croco- chan.

"So what's the menu for today, Sanji-kun?" You ask sanji while roaming your eyes around the table.

Sanji eyes turn heart and swoon at you.

"It's chicken curry with fried rice y-n swaann~" Sanji said sweetly. " I also made a strawberry cake since it's your favourite~" He follow up said.

You chuckle and get your own food. You thumb ups at him. While you guys are eating, Mihawk stop eating his food and turn towards you.

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