26| Minutes

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I changed the chapter name




Chapter 26: Minutes (Adam's POV)

"It was my fault, you know," I mumbled, resting my arms on the counter and putting my head down, facing Aspen. 

I was being a horrible, horrible brother of the groom. I was taking all his time and hogging him up, keeping him from his fiancé. I've kept him standing with me at the bar for God knows how long, but truth be told, I was officially wasted. Being wasted like this, I was rambling on and on, obviously, about my Emmy. 

"Was it really? Jeez, I had no idea. I mean, it's not like you've been saying it over and over again." 

I sat upright, sniffling. "I lashed out at the worst time possible. I knew what she was like, I knew how she'd react. I didn't think about her at all. I don't blame her, you know. She based her whole future around the choice I made and I flipped on her at the last minute. I betrayed her." 

"God, just shut up, already," he groaned, beginning to stand but I grabbed his arm, pulling back down. He eased his arm away. "Why don't you explain to this wonderful gentleman who's been tolerating you all night with me, hmm? Let me go to my fiancé, she's been waiting for me for the longest time." 

I looked around, spotting Remy who was standing off to the side, watching Aspen and me with her arms folded across her chest and a sad frown on her face. I groaned letting him go. "Shoo." 

He rushed over to her, taking her hands in his immediately while she mumbled something, staring up at him. He spoke quickly, probably rushed apologies, and put his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. She locked her arms around his waist, resting her chin on her chest and staring up at him. He leaned down kissing her forehead before taking her face in his hands, tucking her hair away. 

"Ugh," I muttered, turning to the bartender. 

"Continuar," he shrugged. Continue. 

I chuckled and then continued. "You know, to be honest, I thought it would just blow over. I thought the next day or the day after that or the day after that, she'd come over or call me or do something to fix things between us. It's just... I don't know man," I whined, putting my head back down. 

"It felt like I was always the one fixing things between us. But that wasn't true. When I think about it now, she was always there for me. She was with me for everything, through it all. When I fought with my dad because my grades dropped because I focused too much on football, she defended me. Whenever I would hurt myself while playing, she'd take care of me. Whenever I argued with Aspen and felt angry, she'd take my mind off it. She would leave her window open for me every night. Why?" I sat upright again. "Why did I throw it all away? I should have just fixed it like I do." 

"¿Por qué?" he asked. Why? "Why would you always fix things?" 

I paused, thinking about it for a moment. "Because I always messed it up. I'd say something to hurt her, I'd make her angry just by annoying her. Stupid things." 

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