32| Future

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Chapter 32: Future (Adam's POV)

With people constantly moving around, going to the bar, or heading to dance, our seats kept changing and I went from sitting right next to Emmy to all the way across from her. 

I glanced at Georgia, who was beside me, when she choked on another shot. I took the glass away, setting it on the counter. She cringed and then sipped on the mojito I got for her. It's a virgin mojito, but she doesn't know that. "You're still only nineteen, Georgia," I mumbled. "And I know you can drink here but dial it down a notch, will you? Your mom will kill me." 

"No she won't," she scoffed. "I already got someone to promise to help me out." 

My eyes narrowed. "Who?" 

She scanned the room and then pointed towards the bar. "Him!" 

I followed that direction, instantly recognizing him. "That Brandon Castle guy?" 

"Carlisle," she corrected. "It's Brandon Carlisle." 

"I thought you said he wasn't a friend," I said pointedly. 

"No, he's not. But he's staying at our hotel, I bet you didn't know that." 

"All right. You know the guy. If you need anything, let me know." 

"I'm going to get another drink," Toby announced, standing up, leaving the seat beside Emilia empty. 

I began standing up but almost cursed when Brett graced us with his presence. Almost thirty minutes late. He took the seat beside her and she exchanged a look with Remy before turning to him. 

"Hey," she said politely. 

"Hey. Sorry, I'm late, by the way." 

"Oh, that's okay," Remy shrugged, mumbling under her breath, "It's not like we were waiting." 

While Brett tried his hardest to get Emmy to talk to him, I felt annoyance settling deep within me. More than how much I usually experience when I see his face. 

Can he take a fucking hint? 

"You want to get a drink?" he asked her, pointing towards the bar. 

"Oh, no, I'm good. I've had enough for tonight. No more shots. I'm uh, I'm all good sipping on a mojito, you should get a drink though. You just got here." 

"That's fine, I'll grab one in a bit. But hey, you want to dance?" 

She chuckled awkwardly, taking a peek at me.

I tried my best to fight any dirty looks off my face because I am well aware of the fact that I have no right to tell her what to do. She can dance with anybody she wants, she's not my girlfriend so I can't exactly stop her. Plus, just because she dances with a guy doesn't mean she's into him. That still doesn't mean I would like watching her dance with some guy who isn't me. 

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