33| Yours

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Chapter 33: Yours (Emilia's POV)

He opened the door for me and I walked into our room, dropping my purse on the TV cabinet and going to sit on the bed so I could take my heels off. I crouched down, pulling one leg over the other but froze when he knelt down in front of me and without looking at me or uttering one word to me, unstrapped the heels and took them off, leaving them on the side before resting one arm on his knee. "Emmy." 

I blinked, staring back at him. He moved forward a bit, grabbing my hands that rested on my thighs. 

"Are you mad at me?" he asked. 

I shook my head softly. 

"Really? Because it feels like you are. And if you are, then that's okay. But please tell me." 

I paused, swallowing. "I'm really not mad at you, Adam," I whispered. 

"Okay," he said softly, "I believe you... Are you okay?" 

I nodded. 

"Are you hurt anywhere?" 


"All right. It's still bothering you, right?" 



"It's really not. That's not what's bothering me." 

"You want to tell me what is?" 

"I've..." I thought about how to phrase this. "I've never seen you so out of control. Or so angry at someone. I've seen you upset, but not furious like that. It didn't scare me but I'm just surprised, I guess. I didn't know you'd do that." 

He sighed softly. "Emilia, I would kill anybody who tries to hurt you without a second thought. I don't care who it is or what they did, if someone even looks at you or touches you the wrong way, I'm not thinking about what I should be doing. I'm just doing what I want to. I'm breaking the guy's face," he huffed, glancing away from me. 

"You did. He was bleeding," I mumbled quietly. 

"Serves him right. How dare he touch you and say all that shit?" 

"I didn't understand half of it, so... It's fine. It happened, I don't want to think about it. Or talk about it." 

"I understand," he nodded. 

"People recognized you there," I told him. "After Aspen pulled you aside, people realized who you were. Brandon... Wait, his name is Brandon, right? That boy with Georgia?" 

He nodded. 

"Yeah. His friends. They knew you right away, but they didn't really do much. There were other guys there who knew you. Can't that be a problem? If people find out?" 

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