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"Oi, show yourself. Me and my wife need a favor."

"I don't think that's how you speak to a pastor, Levi.."

They wandered inside an old castle, which resembles a book nest. Every now and then (Y/n) had to shove a large amount of spiderwebs that got in her way. The room is very dark and cold, well at least to a living being like her.

Levi enveloped her hand in his boney ones, "Don't touch his belongings, they're dirty."

A loud cough interrupted the raven haired corpse. Then, a medium sized skeleton made his way hurriedly towards the two, "Oh dear, there you are. Pardon me, you're too short to be seen. My eyesight is not at its best too."

"Tch. I brought my wife. (Y/n)." Levi nudges his head to the side where (Y/n) is standing right beside him.

"What's that? Wife, you say?"

(Y/n) cleared her throat, "Um, nice to meet you Sir."

"We need to go upstairs to visit the land of the living."

Pastor Nick hummed quietly before taking a few steps closer towards the 'married' couple while scratching his slightly cracked open skull, "Hmm.. Land of the living? Oh dear. Why go up there when people are dying to get down here? Surely you must've seen quite a lot of new teenagers in our world, they seem to be giving up about life these days. "

"Sir, I need your help. It means so much to me- I mean, us. There must be something you could do." (Y/n) froze, she nearly exposed her intentions.

"Hmm.. I don't know. It's just not natural, you know? But I'll see what I can do."

The pastor trotted back to his table and pulled out a worn out looking book. He flipped through the pages for a while before pointing to a certain part, "Ah, here it is. Ukrainian Haunting Spell. Just a thing for this quick trip." Nick grabbed the nearest crow he could reach and squeeze the poor bird.

"I hate animal abuse.." (Y/n) grimaced as she hid herself behind Levi while clutching his tuxedo.

Not too long after that, a gray egg popped out from the crow. Pastor Nick examined the egg, "Just remember. When you want to come back, say hopscotch."

Without a warning, the skull pastor cracked open the egg and tilt it towards the married couple. A golden fog came out from the egg and began to swallow (Y/n) and Levi. The next thing they know, they're standing on the land of the living. To be more precise, they're standing on the spot where (Y/n) encountered Levi's first appearance when she practiced her wedding vow.

It's currently nighttime, (Y/n) didn't know how long she has been gone to the land of the dead but surely time ticks faster in the land of the living. Levi gazed up to the sky above him, his face being kissed by the moonlight.

"I've spent so long in the darkness down there," He suddenly said, "I almost forgot how beautiful the moonlight is. It never changed from the day when I first saw the real sky."


Levi stared at her, "The moon is beautiful isn't it?"

"Yeah, for once I agree with you." (Y/n) smiled.

The two stood in the middle of the snowy woods in silence. Now that the moonlight shines upon them, (Y/n) finally caught a clear view of Levi's face. She hated to admit it but the man looked attractive in his own ways. His scars and cold eyes really added a great feature to his face. Something about this man made (Y/n) somehow feel safe. And yet he's a corpse. A deceased heartbroken soldier. (Y/n) could see the loneliness through his stoic face. The more she looked at him, the more she discovered new things about the man.

Corpse Groom [Levi x Reader] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon