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Sawney whined at its alive owner who now stood nervously in front of an old wooden door. The moment Levi left (Y/n) at Pastor Nick's place when they returned from the land of the living, Sawney unexpectedly came and begged (Y/n) to follow the poor skeleton dog.

And now here she is.

(Y/n) took a deep breath before entering the place, not even bothered to knock. Her ear caught a downhearted melody playing in the air, only to spot a certain raven haired groom playing (Y/n)'s favorite instrument.

"I'm sorry." Her shoulders slumped down, "I'm sorry I lied to you about wanting to see my parents. It's just the whole day hasn't gone quite, well.. according to plan."

However Levi's fingers keep gliding on the piano keys as he chose to ignore her apology. But that didn't last long when (Y/n) plop herself next to him on the piano bench and joined the play. At first, she started to press some keys to make a more cheerful melody. Levi's fingers stopped playing when the woman beside him took control and tried to change the gloomy atmosphere.

He threw her a discourteous look and clicked his tongue, yet something inside Levi urged him to play together. Hence, the two somehow created a blistering song by doing an unplanned duet. This continues for the next few minutes, and the tension between the two is slowly decreasing.

The more they play, the more the corner of Levi's lips curved upwards.

He eventually stopped playing just to see (Y/n) being too drowned in her love for piano. The breathing lady didn't even notice Levi's absence until she finished the whole song.

"Uh.. pardon my enthusiasm." She smiled sheepishly at the man who had been watching her adoringly.

He kissed the back of her hand like a gentleman would, "I like your enthusiasm."

Levi's deep voice is definitely driving her crazy, along with his small gestures that never fail to make her blush. They were enjoying each other's presence when suddenly the sound of a ringing bell was heard from the bar at the center of the skeleton town.



(Y/n) and Levi rushed to the crowd inside the bar since it's close enough from where they are. A foreign figure was seen surrounded by a few skeletons and other dead people. And surprisingly, they were cheering.

"Is that who I think it is..?" (Y/n) muttered as she walked closer to the figure.

Wrinkly forehead.. Thin mustache.. Dark eyes..

"Mr. Magath! Oh my goodness, how nice to see y-"

She finally recognized him, her family's private coachman. (Y/n) recalled that this man had asthma, which her mother always complained about. The mentioned man then turned around, looking right at (Y/n).

His face had turned pale with a slight blue color.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." (Y/n) wanted to slap herself for not realizing that this man is now dead. Probably caused by his asthma or his weakened lungs.

Magath took a deep breath and a smile cracked on his face, "I'm actually alright now, I feel completely fine."

"Mr. Magath, I have to get back. Everyone must be worried sick, how are they?"

"Well, they're still wondering where you slipped off to. And Reiner Braun.."

"Yes? How is he??"

"He's getting married this evening." Magath shrugged.

"What??!" Married to who? I thought the wedding would be canceled since my sudden disappearance."

"If I'm not mistaken, he'll be marrying princess R.. Ah, I can't remember her name. I guess they don't wanna waste the wedding cake." The dead coachman chuckled hoarsely before joining other corpses to drink.

It felt like (Y/n)'s soul has just left her body. She dismissed herself from the crowd quietly, dragging her feet in the process.

"Oi, where are you going?"

The raven haired groom was left behind, unanswered. His steel blue eyes could only watch her movements from afar.

-------------- Short Time Skip --------------

Somewhere in a random alley away from the walking corpses and skeletons, (Y/n) leaned on the cold wall. The wedding ring on Levi's finger reminds her more and more about Reiner, who's about to marry another royal.

"Tch, then what am I supposed to do, you sniffing freak?"

Wait, that voice.. Is that...?

Her ears picked up a familiar deep voice along with that famous tongue clicking. (Y/n) noticed a hidden door near the wall she was leaning on, only to find it unlocked. She took a peek. There's Levi and a man who's way taller than him. His blonde hair is parted on the middle and he's got a thin mustache.

"She just went away without a word. Are all women like this?" Levi darted his eyes to Mike, who also used to be a soldier. That man excelled in sniffing. 

"I guess not. But I smell a desperation from you-"

"Ackerman, we have to talk." Pastor Nick appeared inside the room out of nowhere, holding what seemed to be like a thick and dusty bible, "There are complications with your marriage with that woman. The vows of binding only death do you part."

"I don't get what you're saying, old man."

"Death has already parted you." He clarified.

Levi frowned in distress, "Damn it. If (Y/n) finds out she'll leave. Oi, isn't there something you could do? For me, for my wife."

"Well.. There is one way. It requires the greatest sacrifice."

"Spit it out already." The groom began to get a bit nervous.

"(Y/n) would have to give up the life she had forever. She would need to repeat her vows in the land of the living and drink from the wine of poison. Or, to put it simply.."

"You have to kill her."

If Levi still had a beating heart, he could swear it would beat uncontrollably in this situation. His mouth parted a little upon the shocking information. It's not like he doesn't want to get married, but killing a bride for a selfish purpose... That's just not his thing.

Pastor Nick eyed the trembling raven haired man, "It would stop her beating heart. Only then she could be with you forever, Levi."

"Fuck it, I.. I'll..." Levi closes his eyes in defeat, "I could never ask her."

He hung his head low in shame and despair. Maybe all his dreams to find a true love will just remain as dreams, maybe the universe has seen how ugly and cold he is to be someone's husband. Levi refuses to regret the time he had spent making efforts to stay together with (Y/n). But now the only way to be with her is too unacceptable.

"You don't have to."

Levi's head rose at the sound of the woman who placed a ring on his finger. His sorrowful gaze met her eyes. (Y/n) had decided to walk in and decide her own fate. A small yet genuine smile is visible on her face, "I will do it."

"My dear, if you choose this path. You will never return to the world above. Do you understand?"

With a determined look, (Y/n) linked her hand with the deceased humanity's strongest soldier beside her. She nodded.

"I do." 

Corpse Groom [Levi x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now