Six: PhD

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"What the hell did you say to poor Randy?" Devin asked, bursting into my room Monday night.

"Just messed with him a little," I casually answered. "I was bored, he was staring, I know how to flirt, I used it to my advantage. Easy peasy."

"Dang, bro. If you hadn't come out to me already I think I would be starting to get the clue."

"I don't blame ya. That was pretty gay. I'm very proud of myself. I made the King of Heartbreakers into the heartbroken in less than ten words. I consider that fairly impressive," I joked. I wasn't actually that happy about my performance, I was far happier about Randy's reaction. Sure, I can be a bit of a flirt, but shouldn't that be part of a teenager's fun? It is what young love is all about, after all.

"Don't go too far with him, though. Anyway, I still can't believe you're not coming to the homecoming dance. You're gonna miss out," Dev insisted.

"No, I'm not. I don't even have a date, nor do I want to. And tickets sold out a long time ago, so it would be too late. Sorry, I guess."

"Dude. My best friend's family owns the school. I think Randy could pull some strings to get one more person in. Aren't some of your friends going? I mean, it would be their last chance."

"Yeah, Bailey and Mack are bringing their girlfriends. But may I remind you that I don't have a date. Last time I checked, it's kinda self explanatory you bring a date. Are you taking Sylvia?" I questioned, giving up on finishing the Wattpad story I was reading.

"Obviously. And yes, I do think you would need to have a date. That sucks. I was hoping I could show you at least one major dance. I mean, there's gonna be a limo. Who doesn't like limos?"


"Oh. Okay, well, never mind then. Even CeCe is going, though. Feel free to help me beat up the dude, but you know what I mean." With a final disgusted shake of his head, Dev inquired, "What are you gonna be doing here while we're all at the dance?"

"I don't know, maybe I'll go to the gym, or ask my friends who aren't attending if they want to play golf."

"You're seriously gonna work out while we're at the dance? Because that's not at all worrying."

"I would rather not talk about how pathetic I am right now."

"Right, sorry. Goodnight, my dearest brother," Dev said, sitting up from the bed and starting to leave.

I frowned at his use of brother, but ignored it. "Night, Devijosh," I answered. When we were younger, we started calling each other a mixture of our full names. He's Devin Joshua, hence Devijosh. I'm Liacob, because Liam Jacob.

He closed the door behind him, unlike CeCe, and most other siblings. A few minutes later, I decided to study for a test I had coming up. I got off my bed and went over to my desk, passing by my mirror. I stopped and stared at myself. I immediately felt uncomfortable seeing my body. That's been happening since I was about eight, but only sometimes. Other times I can see myself and not care at all. There were little hairs starting to grow again on my chin, and my Adam's Apple somehow appeared larger than normal.

And then my door opened again. "What are you doing?" Dev questioned.

"Nothing," I answered, turning away from the mirror. "I was just about to study. What's up?"

"Me, Knox, Randy, and a few of our friends are going to go apple picking after school tomorrow. Randy and Knox said to invite you."


Dance With Me (Rich Kids, Book One)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin