Seven: Taylorswiftosexual

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"So, I saw you talking with Liam before we left yesterday. Are you two actually getting along?" Dev asked. It was officially Wednesday, and Homecoming was on Saturday.

I still didn't have a date.

Mom and Dad said I needed to have one by Thursday. I'm fucked. I've been on a date with pretty much every girl in this class, and I doubt I'll be able to convince one of them to come with me in such short notice.

Maybe I just won't go. Even though Mom and Dad may kill me even more if I did that.

"Well, I get along fine with Liam. I'm not sure if it's requited. Is he going to Homecoming?" I answered.

"Nope. I tried to convince him to, but tickets are sold out and he hates social activities."

Then, an idea struck me. "I have a ticket. I'm supposed to use it on my date, but really how are Mom and Dad gonna know I just gave it away?"

"I mean... I could try, but you also need a date for this thing. He doesn't have a date."

"True. But I don't have one either."

Dev sighed, and said, "Give me the ticket. I'll try to convince him by tomorrow."

I giddily handed it over. I've had it in my pocket for two weeks, and it felt good to know that there was actually a chance my parents wouldn't question if I had a date or not.

Later that day, I passed by the car Devin and Liam share. Dev was holding a small piece of paper out to his brother, while Liam looked like he was deciding which torture method to use on Devin. Their sister stood leaning against the car giggling.

That was when I established it was my cue to get the hell out of there.



"Dude. C'mon. You'll have fun, I promise," Dev insisted.

"No, no I will not. Doing this makes it seem like I'm going to be Randy's date," I responded. That was the fifth time in twenty minutes he had asked me.

"I know, but you won't be. He's straight, anyway. I genuinely believe you'll enjoy it, and I promise you can go with your friends anytime you want."

"You've said that over thirty times today."

"I don't care. Please come with us," Dev pleaded. I made eye contact with him. He seemed to actually really want me to come.

Fuck. I need to work on that whole gullibility issue.

I found myself agreeing in the end.



"So?" I eagerly asked as I sat down at our lunch table.

Dev turned to me. Meanwhile, Knox and Charlie stared at us with incredibly confused faces. Devin answered, "Well, am I currently giving you a ticket or no?"

"He said yes?!" I squealed.

Dev appeared taken aback, but Charlie and Knox were purely alarmed. "Um. Yeah? He'll come with us in the limo and everything."



I shot my hands above my head and did a little happy dance. That was soon after put to an end by Brady saying to me, "What the actual fuck are you so excited about?"

"I had a ticket I was supposed to give to my date for Homecoming and I gave it to Devin for his brother to use so now Mom and Dad won't question if I have a date or not. Plus, that means that Liam is coming and I want to get to know him better. He's really funny, and you can tell that under the snarky personality he has he's actually very kind. Oh yeah, and a huge ass flirt. It's like he's me," I joked.

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