Eight: Homecoming-out

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"What color pocket square are you wearing?" Dev asked, barging into my room.

"Um. I don't know, why?" I answered.

"Well, just thought you would like to know that Randy's favorite color is red."

"Go to hell."

Devin chuckled and closed the door behind him. We were getting ready for Homecoming together. Kinda. CeCe was stationed in my room while she was doing her makeup, and Dev came in every once in a while.

I went to my collection of pocket squares, because of course I have a collection. I picked up the red one, and threw it back in. Then I chose a black one. Black, like the color of my soul. I put it down. And then I lost the battle with my brain and finally decided on the red one. And maybe a red tie, also.

"All done," CeCe announced. She turned towards me. "Oh boy, you picked the red one. You poor thing. There's people that can help you, you know."

I chuckled. "Yeah, I gave in. You look nice, by the way."

She smiled. "Thanks Li. So do you."

"Thank you. I actually put in the effort and straightened my hair, are you proud of me?"

"Very," she said with a laugh. "We should get Devie. Come on."

I followed her out of the room and then we both banged like maniacs on Dev's door until he opened it, his expression saying 'I'm gonna murder you.'

"We should go downstairs," I stated.

"Alright," he replied, and we made our way down the staircase. As we were coming down, the doorbell rang.

"Oh, that's probably Zach. Could you get the door, one of you?" CeCe questioned.

"Sureeee," I responded, and opened the door. "Hey. I assume you're Zach?"

"Yeah," Zach confirmed. "I'm here to get Cecelia."

I let Zach in, then walked over to Dev again. "He calls her Cecelia," I whispered.

"I know, and he even got her a corsage. He better treat her right," Dev answered.

"If he breaks her heart, there will be a missing persons report the next day."

"Fully agreed. The garden will be particularly chatty in the Spring."

"Hell yeah."

We watched as Zach put the corsage on CeCe and led her out the door. On the way out he turned to us and said, "It was nice meeting you, Liam. Also, I knew that you were Liam because Cecelia texted me a few minutes ago saying that you lost the battle with yourself and wore a red pocket square and tie." And with that, they left.

"So maybe I'll kill her, too," I mumbled.

Devin laughed. We waited a few more minutes until Dev got a call from Knox saying the limo was almost there. "It's go time, Li."

"Guess so."



I waited in the limo for what felt like forever until we reached our last stop, the McCoy house. As Devin and Liam got in, I barely noticed that Dev was there. My gaze was fixed on Liam, and for a good reason.

He looked fucking incredible.

Wearing a black suit and shirt, black dress boots, and, Oh my God, he's wearing red. Also, thin framed black glasses. Since when was I hot for glasses? And since when did he have glasses? In the fourteen years I've known him he's never had glasses.

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