Twenty-four: Sharing is Caring

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"Otis, catch," I said, throwing a tinsel ball for him to grab and bring back. He leaped off my bed and ran to the corner, picked it up in his mouth, ran back, and dropped it into my hand. "Good boy." I scratched behind his ears and he leaned into my hand. Then, I patted my lap to see if he wanted to cuddle for a bit, so he climbed on and I continued petting him. Having a cat is the best thing ever.

"Knock knock."

I sighed, my eyes still trained on my handsome boy. "Hello Devijosh. What do you need my assistance with?"

"Wanna come to Charlie's hockey game with me? I'm leaving in about a half hour," he replied, walking over to my bed and then gave Otis some head rubs.

"Oh. Yeah, sure. Why, because I'm better at insults and you want to humiliate him?"


"I'm in. I probably shouldn't wear a skirt to a hockey game where it's cold and people don't know I'm genderfluid, huh?" I looked down at my hoodie and white pleated skirt. I didn't feel like a girl, but I still like dressing feminine.

"Unless you're ready to come out, I would not recommend it. You look nice, though. Anyway, be ready by 6:40. Oh, and Randy and Knox might come depending on if they can get out of dinner fast enough."



I changed my skirt for jeans and we headed out the door 6:40 sharp. The game was at a rink a few minutes from our school. It was big and open, and since football and hockey are our school's main sports, there was actually a decent turnout.

"Lili, Dev," a voice behind us called. Suddenly, Randy and Knox were standing in front of us, wide smiles on both of their faces. "Hi!" Randy said excitedly. He embraced me in a hug.

Knox frowned, clearly disappointed he couldn't show the same affection. Instead, he nudged Devin and pointed to the ice. "41 is Charlie."

"Good to know. C'mon, there's seats over here." Dev led us to a row of bleachers a few rows from the bottom. Randy and Devin were on the ends and I sat next to my brother, Knox on the other side. Across the rink, I spotted Bailey and Mack sharing snacks with their girlfriends. Behind them, Hudson and Kenzy stared at their phones. It wasn't surprising Rhys, Connor, and River were missing from the group. I smiled when Mack caught sight of me, and waved to his and Bailey's girlfriends, Adhira and Summer.

Bailey: Summer says you're cute. Same with Randy apparently

Me: haha, tell her thank you for me

Mack: why are you at a hockey game?

Me: because I like hockey...?

Mack: since when?

Me: since always

Mack: oh

Bailey: dumbasses






Mack: what are we, chopped liver?

Bailey: yeah I'm offended

Me: sorry hehe

Hudson: so when am I gonna meet your boyfriend?

Little do they know, there's more than one.

Me: you have already

Hudson: no like, actually. Like, are we ever gonna hang out? We don't need to but I thought it'd be nice if he was kinda apart of the group

Dance With Me (Rich Kids, Book One)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora