Chapter 3

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I walked in my house and was instantly hit with the smell of spaghetti and the clinging of silver wear and cabinets being shut, in the newly made kitchen.

"Lauren, you home?" I heard my mom call out.

"Yea mom!" I responded back while I sit my bag down and slipped my shoes off. I sniffed the air and my stomach started growling with hunger. I walked in the kitchen to find my mom stirring the bowl of spaghetti. Steam came off as it was just token off the heat.

"That's looks so good," I complemented as I walked behind my mom. She smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Go wash your hands and get your dad, he's in the study. Dinner is almost ready." I nodded and did as I was told for I was anxious to get back quickly for the delicious smell of the tomato with pasta. I quickly scurried to the study that was down the hall.

"Dad dinner is ready!" I hurriedly said as I paused at the door briefly before dashing to the bathroom upstairs to wash my hands. As I was going to run down the stairs I heard a thump coming from my room. I immediately halted.

What the hell?

I frowned my eyes as I slowly stepped closer to my room door. I froze a little as I heard another thump. I swallowed and turned the knob. I opened the door slightly and a breeze of cool air blew my hair back. I shivered as Miami's night was super chilly compared to the burning morning.

The window was wide opened and the curtains were gently moving from the wind. What? My window is open? I never leave my window open, especially at night. I began to get freaked out.

"Lauren, honey, come on!" I heard my mom call making me jump a little.

I quickly closed the window and basically ran downstairs. "Sorry I took long." I said a little too nervously and cleared my throat. My mom gave me a confused look before sitting a plate of spaghetti down in front of me.

"You alright Lauren?" My father asked while taking a spoon full of the noddles in his mouth.

"Yea, yea, just a little tired." I made up and digged into my food to pretend like a creep couldn't have been in my room. Maybe it was the wind, or my parents? I shouldn't be freaking out. With that thought I calmed myself.

After dinner I thanked my mom and said goodnight to my dad before heading back upstairs to my room. I cautiously walked in, looked around making sure it's safe before closing the door behind me. I felt a little chilly which was strange. I looked around and observed anything that might have been out of place. But everything seemed fine.

I checked my closet, bathroom, under my bed, nothing. Knowing nothing was there, relaxed me. This is just all in my head. I scoffed a little thinking how dumb I thought.

Scurrying to my dresser, I took out my pjs and slipped them on. I turned the lights off and snuggled into my covers. Warmth instantly taking over my body.


"Hey Lauren!" I turned to Normani who had a bright smile that reminded me of Ally.

"Hey Normani," I greeted back just as I finished placing my history book away.

"Second day here, you still nervous?" She asked as she rested her shoulder on the locker next to me.

"Nah, I wasn't really that nervous. I just don't like being in a place I don't know, with people I don't know." I stated closing my locker.

"Ah totally get you." She hooked arms with me, again something I hated but I let it go, for the sake of not being a bitch. "So you wanna get some breakfast?" She asked.

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