Chapter 36

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-2 Weeks Later-

Zayn and I have been getting really close as friends and I enjoy his company when I have no one else to talk to. It actually really does get lonely around the house when my parents aren't home and usually Camila would fill in the void of loneliness but now that she's gone the only other person I have is Zayn. He was actually really funny and a carefree guy if you just sat and had a conversation with him.

He was really good at listening too. I told him how me and Camila met and bits and pieces of our time together. He seemed to be happy that Camila finally found something that genuinely made her happy after so long. I would ask him about how Camila was doing everyday and he would confirm to me that she was okay. They kept in touch a lot and that Camila would always ask about me too. I felt that heart warming knowing she thinks about me just as much as I think about her.

I decided to ask Zayn about Camila and I found out random things that I never knew before. Like how Harry took Camila in under his wing because it was in fact Harry's father who had bitten Camila. I was stunned at first and never knew that's why Camila and Harry had been so close in the beginning before.

"Harry's never been found of his father," Zayn continued explaining. "His father was an arse. Complete arse. I met him only twice before he had died and neither were pleasant. Since we were kids Harry's father would always try engraving in our heads that humans were bad and useless besides for food." He frowned, "Luckily we never fed into it. But you can tell where Harry gets his attitude from." He joked looking at me.

I smiled, "yeah can totally see it now."

Zayn was smiling when something came across his thoughts and he frowned again. "I remember when we were in our teens and Harry found out his father had murdered a family nearby. Harry was angry especially after finding out that his father had murdered a five year old innocent child." Zayn sighed and shook his head, "I tried to stop him from going but he insisted he had to. Harry was stronger than me so I no choice but to let him. When he returned he had Camila in his arms. I remembered freaking out and we started arguing because we could've gotten in serious trouble for brining a human in the house. At the time I didn't know Camila was transforming until she started screaming in complete agony and pain. That's when I realized why Harry had brought her."

I was listening intently to Zayn's story and slowly felt my stomach knot up thinking about Camila in so much pain. "W-what did you do?" I barely mumbled.

"We hid her." He simply said. "We had a small cabin in the woods where we would chill so we decided to keep her there. I was beyond scared. If my dad found out he would've killed me. Not literally but you get the point. My mom being bitten I knew how hard it must be for Camila so despite my fear I tried to help. After a month she didn't wake up and I kept telling Harry it was no use that the poison got to her in the end and she was long gone." His face showed guilt as he said those words.

"But Harry never gave up on her. He kept telling me that she would wake up soon. So I just left him to it. Another month had passed and unfortunately my father was getting suspicious so I told Harry that we didn't have a choice but to find a new place for her. It was a difficult situation because neither of us knew where else to go. And if Harry left I couldn't go with him." He paused before continuing, "So that's when a family friend decided to help and Harry and her left with Camila.. I was always hesitant and would ask him every single second if he was a hundred percent sure he wanted to do this and every time he would reply saying he hadn't been so sure about anything in his life before. One day I came home and went to the cabin to find them both gone. Harry left a note and that was pretty much the last time I saw either of them in hundreds of years until we met up later on and met the rest of the boys."

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