Chapter 28

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•Lauren's POV•

I walked out of the class and was immediately met with Camila's brown eyes. They held a mix of emotions. Sad, regret, pain but through all that, happy as well.

I sighed as I kept walking, Camila instantly following right next to me. We continued walking for a couple of seconds as I saw Camila fidget nervously.

"H-hi." She broke the silence. I looked over at her, her voice coming out scared and small.

"Hey." I greeted back. I wasn't necessarily mad but I wasn't happy about the situation we were in either. I still wanted her to not lie to me and feel comfortable enough to share things with me that majority of the time I did need to know.

"May I walk you to your next class?" She asked politely with a small raspy squeak almost.

She was obviously being cautious with her words. I nodded and let out a really small chuckle that could've easily been missed. "Aren't you already walking me?"

She softly smiled, "Yeah...I guess I am."

"You have next period with me too, so we kind of have to go the same direction either way." I pointed out. My tone neutral. Making sure she knew I still wasn't letting what happened earlier go easily. But also hinting I still wanted to talk to her.

She swallowed, nodded again. "I know but I just wanted to be sure...well that you still wanted me around." She frowned.

I halted right in front of our next class as Camila looked at the ground almost like a puppy being scolded.

I wanted nothing more but to put my arms around her and give her a big kiss. But I couldn't. Not in front of everyone and especially not for our issues from earlier.

"Of course I do." I whispered. She looked up with a small sparkle of hope in them. I sighed softly putting a strong of her hair behind her ear that was covered by her famous hoodie.

As she was about to say something, I quickly said, "let's go to class." I didn't give her a chance to reply either as I already made my way to my seat. The bell rung just as I sat myself down.
Camila sat in hers behind me.

I tried to concentrate the whole time but I felt burning eyes on the back of my head so turned and sure enough Camila was staring right at me.

She smiled softly at me but I just turned around trying to focus on whatever the teacher was saying. I will fall even more behind if I kept blowing off my classes like this.

Soon the teacher left us to work on a assignment quietly. I was speeding through it as I already knew some of the material. But I soon stopped at a question, frowning my eyes at it. Fuck I know this. Why can't I remember? I sighed and just filled in a random answer that seemed close enough.

I was going to move on when I felt someone lean over my shoulder. "That's wrong." She informed me quietly in my ear. I rolled my eyes briefly and erased the previous answer.

"I know it is, I kinda forgot what the formula was." I whispered back, being cautious and making sure the teacher didn't hear us.

"Do you need help?" She afford, still pressing herself on my back and resting her chin on my shoulder.

I mentally thanked we were all the way in the back corner where people couldn't see us.

I shook my head and moved my shoulder away causing Camila to frown. "I got it thanks." I muttered and began filling in the other questions.

She's Not Normal (Camren)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora