Ohh Queeny!

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So little miss "Look at me for everything"  came back to work.

To make sure she felt missed and appreciated by the children, I took the children to the shop. I checked with my manager if we could get Queeny a card and cake.

I asked the girls if they fancied coming to the shop with me. These girls love escaping at nights from the home. (we didn't really escape)
We bought a little 'Welcome Back' banner, cake and some brownies. The girls blew up some balloons and helped me stick them up on the wall so it's the first thing Queeny would see when she walked in the back door.

Queeny walked in through the front door!!
Didn't see anything the children had prepared for her either.
But let's just back up 10 minutes here.

I came downstairs to start my shift at 8.00am, I walk into the main office, where The Sloth is sat on the bed and Queeny is stood in front of her, but around 2 meters away from her.

"OH hiya Queeny," I say excitedly.
She looks over at me, forces a fake smile and looks away and starts talking to The Sloth.

My mind was saying" Oookkkaaaayyy, ooookkkkaaaay, what did she look at me like that for? Is she OK? Is she annoyed with me? Hmmm???
I was on detective mode now.
I was treading carefully around her, I was also second guessing myself. Did I read her properly? Did she really act like she was seven years old, or did I imagine that?

When I feel anxious around anyone, I just stay quiet, I do more work than normal and keep my nose clean! I try my hardest not to give them an excuse to say anything negative to me.

Did you know some educated people are gifted in creating problems. They have dissected opinions, and theories, they have criticised the best and justified their own opinions.

Queeny is clearly showing me that she's not happy with me. She's not talking much at all, normally she can't shut her mouth.

I tried to put my feelings to the side, I convinced myself that I was over reading the situation.
" Queeny, guess what, the Manager Rebecca has put me through for my level 3 in residential childcare, and I've been accepted already" I said, with limited excitement, as I was trying to gauge her facial reactions.
Dead, no facial reaction except a cold and distant " that's good"

She is definitely pissed at me, I know I've done something, but what?
I'm sure if it was something really bad she would tell me, but she didn't. What could it be?

Before I go any further, I have to explain that I come from a family where we were never allowed to "stir the pot" I don't mean the curry pot, but the pot of trouble, back biting and slandering people. Even if you knew something, you played dumb and acted like you didn’t know anything.

Queeny showed me her morals the few days I worked with her before her annual leave. She spoke about every single person and told me generally what their faults were. What I understood from her was “don’t worry, I will speak about YOU like this to others too"

Now here I was, a basic college educated middle age woman, up against an angry Triple Degree Graduate.
Is she going to use big words to break me down, or critical thinking? How would I react to her?

First day back with Queeny was long, and I was talking to myself every second I got. I was openly retracing anything I could have done to annoy her. And I couldn't find a reason.
I spoke to my friend VIA  WhatsApp, my friend has lots of experience working with Beee-aaat-ches.
She said, "ask her, ask her if she is OK, and if there is anything she is annoyed at you for"

"What? How am I, miss college pass student, going to ask Miss Triple Degree Queeny if she's mad at me?"

But my friend was right. If I wanted to silence my mind from all night speculation, I would have to speak to Queeny

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