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Ohh the professional that Queeny is not!
What a three year old, throwing a full 35 year-old , triple graduate degree TANTRUM!
Imagine your boss , key words here being "my boss"waking up in such a foul and aggressive mood.
Obviously I'm not a mind reader, I didn't know she was going to wake up as a cyclops.
This petite, blonde, softly spoken team leader, became the humungasaurous cyclops.

Her rage, at 8.00 am was pathetic!
What could have went wrong? Was she asked to stay longer, was she asked to cover for someone? What happened?

I walked into the kitchen with my dirty laundry and saw the cyclops leave her office/bedroom.
I thought I'll get my washing in first as it only takes 14 minutes.
She threw her bedding on the kitchen floor near the utility room.
When I saw her near the sink, I said "morning" and she didn't reply, what a complete boss move, I thought in my wee mind.
I asked her for a washing up capsule and she looked me dead in the face as if to say "shut your mouth, don't speak to me"
My tongue stumbled in my mouth, I forgot what I was going to ask her for, I couldn't say " I need a washing up tablet please"
I said "ohh morning, I need, erm, what is it? dishwasher, no the other one, washing machine tablet!"

She pushed her key into the little lock on the cupboard door. The force cyclops used was invading.
She passed me the capsule and slammed the door shut. I felt the cupboards pain!
I walked back to the washing machine thinking"oooooooh, what is wrong with the Bee-aaa-tchhh?"

I thought maybe I read her wrong, maybe she's just sleepy, but she couldn't hide the humungasaurus that was bursting out of her every action.

As I put the machine on The Thing came down stairs, her fake chirpy self " morning" she sung, in a nice, bright, innocent voice" ( she isn't innocent, never ever)

Queeny didn't respond, not a squeak. She just stormed out of the kitchen and out the back door. She slammed the back door shut, the house shuddered with cyclops frenzy. All signs of Team Leader had evaporated, the title, the status was reduced to a tantrum. All I could think was is this the aftermath of fried brain cells from all the studying? Is this the outcome of three degrees?
Please don't get degrees if you must punish others with your aggressive mood that you can't regulate.

She went out never to come back inside, that didn't happen, I was praying that's what happened, but it didn't.

The deputy manager Allan Carr came on shift, and he joined Queeny out the back for a cig.

They came inside and went straight into the office. I entered the office to write up some notes and take the thermometer. Queeny didn't say a word, just sat on the floor like a wee wet rat scrunched up near the radiator. I almost stood on her wee pink toes as I left the room.
She closed the door behind me, as if to say, " don't come back in,"
When I tried to go back in, she had locked the door.
Lol, lol, lol, lol I wanted to LOL and say PA...... HA.......HA......HA bee-aaa-tcchhh!!

I wanted to sound out each PA and HA, I wanted to be a baby, and be petty like her, but I couldn't. I couldn't lower myself to her level, I wasn't a triple graduate.

The manager came in, Queeny and Alan went into her room, they chatted for a bit and then Alan called me and said " here's the keys Mote"

'Thanks Alan' I said, trying to hide my curiosity about the managers key.
Was it on this set?
Did they give it to The Thing again?

I took the keys but was desperate to check if the managers keys was on it,, but I didn't recognise the key.
Is this the toilet key or the managers room keys?
How will I know? I know what, when they go out I'll try it in the toilet door, if it doesn't work it means it's the managers key.

But life is planned, your silence pays off eventually.
Queeny said bye as she left the house, first word she actually said to me all day.

And The Thing, well The Thing was doing creepy over compensation, and it was sickly.
Nothing uglier than an educated guilty over compensator, if I could have vomited every time she licked my butt with her niceness, I would be a size 4.
She made me cringe.

I knew there and then the boss had pulled Queeny up, and Queeny had told The Thing that I've spoken to the boss, and now the boss is in the house and The Thing knows she knows.
Can you image her IBS with all this worry. God they deserve this.
I was silent, I didn't react to them about their childish games, but I did take it to the boss.

I went about my day in a positive and excited mood. Took the girl out for a coffee, went to see some beds and dream of what I could spend my next wage on

We got home and one of the girls needed her mobile that was locked away in the managers office.
The girl asked The Thing" can you get my mobile now please" and guess what the things said?
" Mote will get it for you from the manager's office."

" Will she now ?" I screamed to her in my head,
" Give me 5 minutes I'll get it" I said and in my mind I said " you better believe I'll get it cow, because you don't have the key to get it, do you? You spoiled little baby!"

The excitement in my voice and body was hard to hide, so I acted timid infront of The Thing, I didn't want to rub it in her face that she had been a cow to me for no reason and now she's having to lick my back side standing on her head! Stupid boot faced prat!

The rest of the day was the same, she was very talkative, nice and all so cringey. Roll on Tuesday so this fake, liar, immature wee baby can go home and get to hell!

I decided this is my last week working four days on shift without going home. I need to rest my mind, need to be away from these kids, I mean adult sized, educated children.

The manager emailed me to say she read my email and will discuss things with me tomorrow, but I am 100% that she has read the email I sent her before, and that's why the dynamics changed the way they did.

Let's see, my gut says she will be honest with me.

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