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On the East Miami boat dock, Det. Annalise Villa and Dr. Beaumont Rosewood meet
(for what Villa desperately hopes is NOT the last time)...her boyfriend, Adrian, is
moving to another city, and has asked Villa to go with him...only one thing is stopping her
from accepting his offer...

Villa: Rosie...say something to make me stay...something...ANYTHING...

When no answer is forthcoming, Annalise turns to leave, her heart breaking...

Rosie: VILLA!

Villa turns back, hoping against hear the words she would give ANYTHING to hear...


DON'T GO, Villa...Please stay

Villa: Rosie...say something to make me stay...something...ANYTHING...

When no answer is forthcoming, Annalise turns to leave, her heart breaking...

Rosie: VILLA!

Villa turns back, hoping against hear the words she would give ANYTHING to hear...


Villa: WHY? WHY should I stay? WHY, Rosie?

This time he doesn't hesitate; he senses, probably correctly, that unless he speaks JUST THE RIGHT WORDS, he will lose her FOREVER, this time...

Rosie: I LOVE YOU...I can't...I DON'T WANT to live without you...Please!

Rosie's home

The heavy bass line of Sade's 'Love Is Found' reverberate off of the walls, a perfect back-drop to the activities of Villa and Rosie, tangled together on the spacious mattress of his California King bed:

[I cut the radio on-I know it won't be long
I can hear you baby-I can feel your sound
I'm putting closer now-Now like I feel the sound

I know... my eyes already like you, baby, you
And I know that love, love is found-Love is found...
Oh, and my heart go ba-boom-ba-boom...BA-BOOM-


I shiver when his soft wet tongue moves up and down my labia, focusing it's efforts on the scanty area of skin between my pussy and asshole...he is obviously aware of how sensitive most Women are in that area...this Man truly knows his way around the female anatomy (he IS A DOCTOR, after all!)...the strokes of his tongue are gentle, though insistent, in, out, and skitting about the stem of my clitoris...I manage to suppress the shriek of pleasure I feel welling up inside me, I'm so delighted to find that my suspicions about Rosie are justified: he is clearly a very unselfish and attentive, one of his long, limber fingers invades me, then
a second ...they poke and circle in and out of my wetness, keeping pace with the increased pace of his licking-YAY for me!


Going downtown isn't my favorite activity, however, Women certainly appreciate it, and so many of my Male counterparts expect oral, yet balk at giving it...share and share alike, I say...Villa tastes like fresh strawberries, and her scent is just as delicious...I've learned it's important to pay special attention to the clitoral bud: keeping her labia spread with my fingers, I manage to capture the little bead between my lips (NO EASY feat!) and use my tongue-tip to tease and 'work it over'...Villa's loud gasp of pleasure is evidence that I'm taking the right tack



Now that I'm wet and ready, I raise my knees high and spread them, so that Rosie can mount me. So that he doesn't give me all of his substantial endowment all at once, I grasp that meaty staff of his and rub the tip against my dripping panocha, to facilitate his entry...easing himself forward and in, I suck in a shaky breath: Rosie is the most well-endowed of any Male lover I've had (Dr. Mike is a close second), and I can see I'll need a few weeks to adjust to his size (I needed at least that long with Mike, and Rosie appears to be a bit lengthier)...suddenly, that dazzling smile of his hovering above me; his tone is playful as he says, "I'll need to mark this as MINE-what do you think, Mi'ja?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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