Chapter 12

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I managed to get through half of the movie before the voice returned.

Onscreen, the undead feasted on virgins and bathed in the moonlight. Besides me sat Caspar, who consistently stared at me instead of the movie. I could see my mom smiling at us and did my best to ignore her.

But then I heard the slightest whisper caress my mind.


I grinned into the sides of the seat, feeling panic claw at my throat. If the pain started... no. I couldn't handle that. Not again.

When Caspar turned to look at me he frowned. "Are you okay?" He whispered. "You don't look too good."

"I feel sick!" I gasped out. His eyes widened and he instantly got up to assist me. My mom looked over at us in confusion.

"She feels ill," he explained in a hushed voice. Luckily the cinema was empty asides from us and a few teenagers sat at the back. "I'm just going to take her to the bathroom."

"Oh!" My mom exclaimed. "I'll do that."

"No, sit and watch the film. I'm sure Persephone would feel more comfortable if I just stood outside the bathroom rather than having someone stood next to her," he explained.

I nodded eagerly. That sounded perfect. I just needed to be alone for a minute to sort things out and debate how likely Genevieve was to help me. The chances of that weren't good.

"Okay." My mom looked worried but she turned back to the screen and tried to focus on the vampires.

"Come on now, goddess," Caspar whispered to me, flinging one arm out around my shoulder.

"I'm sick, not dying," I complained as he practically dragged me out of the dark cinema and into the bright lights of the foyer.

"I can't have you collapsing on me," he said lightly. "Now go find a nice clean bathroom to throw up in."

I stumbled into the toilets, thanking God they were empty. All that was left was to wait for more voices or pain.

"I see your not ignoring me anymore."

I slid down against the floor, bracing myself for pain.

"You won't feel that pain again," he told me. "That was just your body getting used to me."

I tried to communicate with him. You're not Jax, I said, but you feel and sound like him. How?

"Mind tricks," the voice said. "If you wanted, I could teach you how I do it."

I scrambled off the floor and stood just in time to see a young lady enter the bathroom. It would've been embarrassing if she had seen me on the floor.

I'd decided to ignore the voice. Whoever it was would get bored eventually if I didn't entertain him. I brushed myself off and prepared to leave the bathroom, looking in the mirror before seeing Caspar again.

I liked him more than I should admit. I thought having a mate would mean I could never love anyone else like that, but maybe rejecting the bond between me and Jax had changed things. Maybe I had broken free.

I looked okay, all things considered. My hair was neat and smooth, held back with a hairband. The green dress I wore looked nice against my skin tone. Persephone Smith wasn't ruined yet.

Then I noticed the other person in the bathroom. A girl around my age with short blonde hair and sunglasses. Standing in the corner and looking at me. I awkwardly washed me hands, wishing she would stop.

The Alpha And His Mate (Silver Hills #1) Where stories live. Discover now