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Despite everything, our daughter was born strong.

Jax looked as if he were going to burst into tears when he first lay eyes on her.

Our little Rowena.

I'd always said that Angel would be the godmother of my child but clearly my plans had to change. Somehow, Genevieve ended up with the position.

And, much to his surprise, Victor Thornwood was the godfather.

The vampire lord didn't speak much after what happened with Diana. He didn't do much at all. He moped about all day, occasionally helping the Crane's and my mom build up some form of council and prepare for whatever Ezaryth had planned next.

Much to my relief, me and Jax had been told that we should focus on our family and that we'd be protected against whatever attacks were planned against us.

So we got a house by the woods, a small cosy cottage, and tried to make some semblance of a life despite the axe looming over our heads.

I was grateful everyday for my mate. And for Rowena who brought a light to the darkness that often consumed me whenever I thought about old friends I'd lost.

Life seemed as perfect as it could be for the alpha's mate when the dream happened.

Elisabeth had come to visit our child the day before, and to swear she would help protect us. She spoke little of Diana, all of us agreeing to leave the poor girl be.

Besides, it wouldn't help much for Victor to hear she was recently engaged to be married.

When I shut my eyes that night I saw Diana. Except it wasn't her. It was her corpse. And shadows lurked over her like predators over their prey.

And though it was just a dream I couldn't shake off a bad feeling.

So I only had one option.


"I presume this isn't merely a social gathering?" Victor asked as he sat in my kitchen. He stood out like a sore thumb in his gothic suit with his long dark hair.

"Hardly a social gathering when it's just us," I pointed out. He didn't reply, only staring ahead blankly.

I sighed and cut to the chase. "I need you to do something for me. Something that has to be a secret."

"As the mother of my goddaughter, I'm obliged to do whatever you ask," he said. He doted on Rowena a ridiculous amount, treating her like his own.

"I need you to check on Diana Thorpe."

A muscle in his jaw twitched. "I thought we were to leave her alone."

I smiled sadly. "So did I. But it seems fate has other plans for her."

"I don't want her getting hurt," was all he said.

"Neither do I."

The room feel silent. From the living room I could hear burbles of laughter as Jax played with Rowena. How long would this happiness and peace last?

"So will you do it?" I asked.

In the end there was no choice.

Lord Victor Thornwood glared at me with heat in his crimson eyes. He was an ageless being more powerful than any of us could comprehend, the master of the night.

"For Diana Thorpe," he said, "I would do anything."

The Alpha And His Mate (Silver Hills #1) Where stories live. Discover now