Chapter 13

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"Mom, we have to go."

I did my best to tear my mom's eyes away from Jax, who was staring intensely at me.

"Persephone, do you know that man? He's staring at you." My mom was reluctant to move, sealing my doom.

"Nope," I said too quickly. "Never seen him before in my life."

Her brown eyes narrowed in disbelief. "Really? This isn't another lie?"

I paused. "What do you mean, another lie?" I demanded. My mind raced through all the lies I'd told in the past.

My mom placed her hands firmly on her hips and stared me down. "You didn't think I really believed you stayed the night with Genevieve? I'm not stupid; you came back a mess so I don't know what the hell you got up to, but it couldn't be anything good."

"Mom..." I trailed off, desperately thinking of an explanation. Nothing came to mind.

"Were you with that boy?" She pointed at Jax. I could almost hear his growls from across the square. He wouldn't like being disrespected that way.

"Mom, can we please just go," I begged. "I'll explain later but I can't do this here."

I knew I couldn't explain what was happening. It would put my mom in too much danger.

"Maybe I should go speak to this boy," she continued, nodding towards Jax. I could see his muscles bulge from under his thin shirt.

The thought of seeing him again after what happened last time made me feel... oddly happy. I was fighting off the disturbing urge to kiss him again. I couldn't be weak like that. Not after what he said. Not after how he treated me.

"Miss Smith!" A familiar voice called over. Oh no.

Apparently, some sort of get together for the boys I'd kissed had been planned today. Richard Mason walked towards my mom, ever the charming rich boy.

I tried my best to avoid eye contact and ended up looking in Jax's direction. He was tensed even more, a deadly look in his eyes as he glared at Richard. I guess he had seen the kiss then. At least it served its purpose of making him jealous. Although there was a slight possibility he would slaughter him now in his rage. The thought was more romantic then it should've been.

"Richard? I haven't seen you in years! How's your mother?" My mom was easily distracted from the possessive alpha across the way who was driving her daughter crazy.

"She's actually just in that shop." He gestured towards a small coffee shop covered in boughs of flowers.

I knew what he was doing. The temptation to chat would be too much for my mom and he could speak to me alone. Except we probably wouldn't be alone.

Perfect, I thought sourly as I watched me mom eagerly search for Mrs Mason. Soon it will just be me, the boy I kissed in front of his fiancée, and my alpha mate.

"Well, I would love to chat to her but..." my mom chewed in her lip as she turned to me.

I sighed. It was probably best if I got her away before Jax approached anyway. "Go," I told her. "And don't worry about me. Richard can drive me home."

The idea of Richard driving me home was about as appealing as being locked in an armoury with Genevieve, but my mom beamed at me before tottering off to talk the ear off her old school friend.

I clicked my tongue and swung to face Richard, this time careful to not look in Jax's direction. I had no doubt he would stalk over here soon. Possibly ripping Richards throat out in the process.

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