47. Bloom

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47. Bloom

He'd talked big, but honestly, the idea of the tentacles being the solution for his condition filled him, for just a moment, with hope.

That thing was capable of completely altering human biology. Just look at Korosensei.

If Nao's condition was supernatural, then there can only be a supernatural solution— that was what he'd always thought, and he'd cursed himself for not being born in a fantasy manga instead. Assassination Classroom was fantasy, in a way, but it was a world of science most of all, and the science would not make it in time.

That was why, Nao clenched his heart and felt pain churn inside.

It's wishful thinking. It's all wishful thinking. And yet, for a moment, Nao felt relieved to realize that the solution had been that simple after all.

Wasn't he supposed to have completely given up on his own recovery?

How ridiculous.

Even with the tentacles, however, Nao was sure it wouldn't work. Call it instinct if you must— but Shiro had only approached him, knowing very little about Nao at all. He'd found a pawn and was eager to use it.

Shiro was not a man that planned far ahead. He moved systematically, from one plan to the next, depending on the situation. He does not plan for failure.

The tentacles cause immense strain to the body, and would be difficult to control without an ironclad will. Nao, with his tattered, corroded body, and weakened hopes, would never be able to withstand that kind of burden.

Even if he did, everyone knew the consequences. And the consensus, in the end, will inevitably be to remove them either way.

So even though he used that injection, no one could predict anything that would happen. He might even explode immediately, and kill the earth a few months in advance. Wouldn't that be a hilarious gainax ending?

There was no point in it.


Nao found Kayano at a cliffside overlooking the town.

He's breathing heavily, having hurried the whole way here. He clenched his heart from the effort, but mustered enough strength to lift his head to face her. Each throb of his heart sent pain through his body, but he knew it would pass.

For once, Nao wasn't the one that looked the weakest.

Kayano's breaths were ragged, and she was essentially soaked in cold sweat. Her clothing was disheveled, her eyes bloodshot, and her shoulders stiff from the constant migraine. She spun around, way too alarmed, when Nao approached.

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