22. Acceptance

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AN: Hey everyone! Long time? It's been about four months or three since I've last updated this. Thanks so much for the flattering reception, I'm kinda honoured this originally joke story is right now the most popular of my ongoing works! In fact, I'm ecstatic because we broke 100k reads just a day ago. You guys are absolutely awesome I swear, I'm blessed on this website askkskskskk

So, this chapter is honestly kinda fillerish. The next important event that will happen is Nagisa's talent being revealed and Takaoka showing up. So before that, we'll have a chapter unofficially titled "Why Kuma-sensei is officially Fuwa's favourite English teacher of all time." Enjoy!

" Enjoy!

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22. Acceptance

"Hey, where's Kuma-sensei? He's late."

Kayano seemed dejected at the news. She kinda liked that teacher, despite anything-- no, maybe she hated him? Well, it was a case-by-case kinda feeling...

Kataoka hummed, similarly grim for the day.

"He wasn't in the staffroom last I checked. Maybe he has another hospital appointment today."

Things were always strangely empty without the teacher around.

Nothing much changed, in the bitterest meaning of the situation-- Bitch-sensei was a great teacher, so was Korosensei, they could easily fill in for whatever lessons Naomasa missed out for them.

But something would always feel different.

Nagisa would find himself jotting down notes, and he would lean it over his shoulder only to realize no one was looking at his book today.

Sugino bought himself two drinks, then remember that he only needed one.

Isogai and Kimura found themselves glancing out the windows anxiously-- maybe they should take a round down the hill after all, if only to ease their own nerves.

"Fuwa-san," the door slides open, and to everyone's surprise, Nao trotted in, a paper in hand, "about this essay... what's with the looks?"

Naomasa shifted the stack of test papers under his arm, his other hand holding Fuwa's paper-- his eyes shifted over the classroom to find that every eye was on him.

Including Ritsu, why was she even on?

"Kuma-sensei, you have no presence at all, huh," Karma mumbled to himself, "some of us have been hunting you down the whole morning."

And Naomasa shrugged, "maybe I've mastered the art of standing so incredibly still that I become invisible to the naked eye."

There was a moment of silence, then Naomasa raised his hands in defeat, "I just got here, kids. Honest, the principal dropped me out back just two minutes ago."

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