49. Kill

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AN: The final chapter of OUTSiDER will be posted two days from now. There will be an epilogue after that. I will probably write some EXTRA oneshots for this fic after that, but no promises.

 I will probably write some EXTRA oneshots for this fic after that, but no promises

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49. Kill

Korosensei won't die. That's what the data they found dictated.

Hearing that, the class celebrated. They took pictures, built the yearbook, and resolved to enjoy the rest of their remaining time, readily attempting to assassinate Korosensei with their ever-growing bloodlust.

And then, entrance exams for high school.

"Kuma-sensei, save usss~!" Fuwa whined, leaping into his arms as soon as she spotted him at the entrance. "I'm dying! I'm going to cry from how anxious I am!"

Mimura sighed as well, in much of the same state.

They're at the entrance of their first choice high school, lining up to register for the exams that's happening in two hours.

"It can look overwhelming, but I promise you that once you're in there, it'll be over before you know it," Nao chuckled. "No rest stops, so you just gotta trudge on."

"I don't know if that makes me feel better," Mimura said, "when does the studying end and the fun begin?"

"Studying is the fun part," Nao insisted. "Exams suck, but once it becomes work, that's when the fun ends."

"You're depressing me, Kuma-sensei, stop!"

Mimura and Fuwa were headed for communication and mass media productions, which meant they would need a good education record to give them a leg up on the field. This meant intensive preparation for the taxing high school life to come, and it was honestly a little difficult to be hyped for it.

Nao wasn't very excited about it all, either.

(It was almost time, after all. For everything to end.)

The pressure of a looming deadline began to really weigh in, and Nao admired the students, that they were able to throw themselves into their exams, if only more encouraged by the number of days going down on the blackboard.

And still, Nao made the effort.

"Alright, it's almost our turn," Mimura took a breath, straightening himself and adjusting his collar. Fuwa tidied her hair as well, fiddling with her button.

"Thanks for seeing us off, Kuma-sensei!" Fuwa said. "Korosensei dropped by just now, too. You just missed him."

"Are you headed to anyone else's?"

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