? {chapter 4}

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John's p.o.v
It was rather late when I got home, and too no surprise Sherlock was still awake, what was more surprising is that Y/n was awake with him.

"Well I'm certain we can narrow it down somehow" Sherlock mutters

"Well, I doubt it's any new entries. It would have to be someone with a long lasting grudge" Y/n says

"Yes, someone who has gotten close to winning but never has"

"Or won a long time ago and hasn't since"


"Well you two seem to be getting along just fine" I say walking in and interrupting their conversation.

"Watson, it's good too see you. How was your date?" Y/n asks.

"Oh did Sherlock tell you?" I ask.

"No it was easy to tell really, no wedding band and you live here. So I assumed"

Sherlock chuckled at Y/n's response.

"You two really do think alike huh?"

"Well it appears so yes" Y/n says with a grin.

"Y/n accompanied me to a crime scene, since you were preoccupied" Sherlock says.


"So how was it?" Y/n asks

"Well, I sort of wish you had interrupted" I admit.

Sherlock shook his head, he was leaning on his desk looking down at the papers covering it.

"I warned you"

"Trust me I'll be sure to listen next time"

"What was so bad about it?" Y/n asks.

"Just wanted to sleep with him. She was single yes, but. She was tanned despite a discoloration on her left finger. She was married, recently divorced. She had a necklace under her shirt and from the tension in the chain it had to be the ring. So she wasn't over said marriage. And going on the state of her knees she's been sleeping around."

Y/n looked absolutely amazed. It was nice to see someone else appreciate Sherlock's mind instead of being insulted by it.

"Sherlock you are brilliant. I never knew there were other people who thought like me" Y/n says

"That is the life of a genius" Sherlock says.

"So.." I walk over to the two of them too see the evidence. "What do we have here?"

"Y/n figured out the connection and motive." Sherlock states "Dogs, the first murder was a frequent downer for dog shows and other events. Her son was a breeder"

"The second and third we're wealthy dog owners. We found out they owned an entire family of show dog chihuahuas" Y/n explains.

"So someone is murdering over a dog show?"

"Pride and money are the current two leading motives" Sherlock says.

"Do we know what poison was used yet?"

"Lestrade says we'll have the results in the morning. I can bring them straight here in the morning if you're like." Y/n says with a smile.

"Perfect" Sherlock says with a grin, and a strange new light in his eye. He glanced at me. I knew that look. That look meant I was going to stay up all night talking to him about whatever he has on his mind.

Sherlock's P.O.V

"Oh goodness it's late- I should get to my hotel" Y/n says

"Hotel?" John questions.

"Well- if I end up living here. The room I'll be using needs to be cleaned up, so until then I have a temporary room" Y/n explains.

"So you're considering it?" I ask without thinking. Of course I knew the answer. He wouldn't be here if he weren't considering it. But apart of me wanted to hear it from him.

"Yes you could say that" Y/n says with a smile.

"Well, I'll have you know that we definitely wouldn't mind having you around Y/n"  John says with that odd smile of his. The reason it was odd was because I didn't mind it. His smile was often genuine while others, others usually hid something.
"I mean, Ms. Hudson likes you so you can't be that bad" he adds

Y/n laughs. Again, laughter was another thing I found annoying. It was rare to hear laughter that wasn't faked in order to seem polite. But Y/n was different, from what I could tell they we're completely genuine as they smiled.

"Very very true, Well I best be off. Good evening, Watson, Sherlock"
Y/n glanced at me. I found myself unable to look away. Why? Why couldn't I look away? Why did Y/n distract me so easily.

"Good evening L/n"

"Good evening" John says
And with that. Y/n was gone.
But my thoughts of him weren't.


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