Home {chapter 7}

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Y/n's p.o.v

I was on my way home now.
It felt strange. The flat was going to be my home. The truth was I hadn't even thought of not moving in from the moment I met them. Everything felt correct.
I got along with the both of them and we were working on a case.
It normally took longer for people to welcome me the way John and Sherlock have. It was quite refreshing to say the least.
As I walked back up the steps I could faintly hear a conversation from inside.  I unlock the door as quietly as possible being discreet as I walked closer.

"That's what I'm saying Sherlock. New emotions are hard especially when they're out of the blue" John says in his usual sweet tone.

"But it doesn't make any sense" Sherlock complained. "I've had these feelings before- I think. Just not so vividly. Its hard to focus on the case because of it all"

"Well good thing we can't do much until we hear from Greg. So you don't need to focus on the case at the moment" John says.
As I crept closer I could see the two of them sitting near each other on the couch.
"Now tell me. Where have you felt these feelings before?" John asks.



"Yes you" Sherlock clarifies. "All the time. Since the moment I met you you were different. But I don't know what it means"

"I get it, you're bad with friends. That's okay" John reassures.

"No no. That's not right." Sherlock shook his head looking down at the ground puzzled.

"What's not right?" John asks.

"Friend" Sherlock says, but he almost seemed surprised upon saying it. As if didn't expect that was what he was going to say. I was really starting to feel like I shouldn't be listening but my curiosity was getting the better of me. Was this what I thought it was??

"What do you mean?"

"Well it is- but not completely" Sherlock attempts to explain. "These emotions, feelings whatever you want to call them. Yes it's friendship, I think, but also more then that." He says futzing with the ends of his sleeves. "What am I saying? this is ridiculous."

"I wouldn't call it ridiculous. Confusing yes but not ridiculous" John says.
Sherlock shook his head ruffling his hair with his hands.

"I feel like somethings missing. Something obvious. But for some reason I can't- I can't see it" he seemed quite frustrated by this. I may not have known Sherlock long, but I knew that he did not like not knowing something. Especially if it's something he feels like he ought to know.

John raised his hand as if he was going to place it on Sherlock's shoulder but hesitated. Sherlock glanced at him giving him the slightest nod. John put his hand on Sherlock's shoulder.

"I'm not going to be able to tell you how you feel Sherlock. Only you can figure that out." John explains. "But I'll do my best to help"
Sherlock smiled slightly. "Thank you John"

As I stood there I could feel a bag slipping from my grasp. Shit shit shit-. Getting caught eve's dropping when I had just decided to move in would not be good. Ah I know what to do. I backed away from the door way slightly as to not be seen.

"I'm back!" I called out as if I had just came in.

"Y/n" John says. I could heard his footsteps clearly as he walked over. "Would you like some help?"

"I would be appreciated yes." He made his way over to be grabbing the bag that had nearly fallen out of my grasp and one of the two suit cases.

"Wow this is heavy?" John says surprised.

"Computer stuff" I tell him walking up the stairs as I pass the entrance to the living area I could see Sherlock puzzling away. I did hope he was alright.

John followed me up stairs opening the door to my new room for me, and setting the bags he had carried inside. "There we are, do you need anything else?"

"Not sure yet. But thank you John"

He smiles that brilliant smile of his. "Of course. Just let me know if you need anything" and with that he left.

The rest of the day was me unpacking and decorating my room. It was rather quiet which bugged me. So I played music on my phone until I was done. John had come in to check on me a few times, and Sherlock suspiciously walked by once. But other then that I was left to my own devices.
It was early evening by the time I was done. It was nice, having all of my stuff about. This place was really starting to feel like home.

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