Solution {chapter 12}

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Y/n's pov
I watched as Sherlock left in an obvious huff. I really got to him didn't I?
Maybe my plan would actually work. Honestly I couldn't stand living with them if this went on forever, if I could tell they were in love after what a few hours and over hearing one conversation, who knows how long this had been building up.

"Where'd that handsome fellow go Y/n? Don't tell me you scared him off already." Rachel says sitting down at my table with her own cup of coffee. She often did this when she had the time.

"No actually. He left with our other flatmate" I sip my coffee turning my attention to her.

"Living with two people? I'm impressed." Rachel sassed.

"So am I actually. Usually people are done with me by now."
Rachel laughed her gentle motherly laugh.

"So these boys are different eh? Got you're eye on any of em yet?" She asks with a wink. I was expecting this- she was always so interested in my love life. Well everyone's really, at least those she cared about. Rachel just wanted them to be happy.

"Not exactly no. They're much too envolved with each other actually. Wether they'll admit it or not is the real question."

"Ahh I see." Rachel nodded. "If you ever need a date my cousin is gay you know."

Ah yes, Rachel's cousin. She brings him up at least one time every time we speak.

"Yes yes I know. I've met Collin a few times now. He's really not my type." I said. Really it was the truth, he wasn't my type at all. Collin was a bit of an idiot, and a bit more goofy. He was a decent guy. I mean he was pretty to look at. But I could never and I mean never have a decent conversation with him.

"You always say that. He really is a decent fellow." Rachel says.

"That doesn't mean I'm interested." Rachel finally gave up taking a sip of her coffee.
I took that break of the socialization to scan the room. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The only thing different was the Tv. It was usually showing one of those craft shows, but as of right now it was turned to the news.

"Nation wide Strychnine shortage, effecting many canine healthcare specialists." The women spoke. "Most doctors are unable to treat their usual patients, with the anual dog show. their usually thriving business' are taking a massive hit."
"Dr Salford Malloy is here to talk about the hardships of the industry." 

"Thank you Marjory. Yes it's been quite a hit on the entire industry. Many close colleagues of mine have lost quite a bit of money do to this situation. I luckily get to say I've been one of the more fortunate ones, with quit a decent stock. Of course I've been doing all that I can to assist others. But we all know how complicated that can get."

"That's it." I stand up from the table downing the rest of the coffee.

"That's what??" Rachel questions.

"Sorry Rachel, I've got a case to solve. Say hi to Jenny for me!" I wave to her quickly leaving. Maybe I'd catch up to Sherlock and John before they got home!

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