John has his moment. {chapter 13}

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Sherlock and Watson walked down the pavement.
"So did something happen?" John asks.

"No." Sherlock says keeping his eyes straight ahead waking at his usual speedy pace. Leaving John having to jog every few steps just to keep up.

"Then why did you make me leave?"

"What are you talking about?" Sherlock asks.

John sight grabbing Sherlock by the shoulder. Forcing him to stop and look at him. "If nothing happened then why did you make me leave Y/n back at the café?"

"Well Y/n could have came if he wanted too." Sherlock says.

"That's not what I meant and you know it." John huffed.

"Please, you know this is more important then some coffee date."

"It wasn't- Ughh" John was at his wits end.

"John, why are you so mad at me? You're the one who left." Sherlock says his brows furrowing in thought.

"Because you're being a prat like usual!" John snapped in annoyance. "You walk so fast I can barely keep up. You insist that work is more important then anything else, and you don't ever consider what I might want. Everything is always about you." John rants completely forgetting they were in public. Luckily Sherlock had the sense to bring them into an alley way which had a bit more privacy.


"No! For once you're going to listen to what I have too say you self in tilted git!" John snapped barely registering the scenery change.


"I'm so sick of always accommodating you! Sure every once in a while is fine, I honestly consider you a very good friend usually. But when it's always, when it's the majority of the time it becomes exhausting." John goes on. "The worst part is that I've been constantly telling myself that it's just because of how you are, Who you are! Because your a bloody genius. But after meeting Y/n it shows that you have no excuse for treating me like this!"

"You're right."

"I'm just so sick of- wait what?" John finally comes out of his thoughts and back into reality.

"You're right John." Sherlock says, looking John in the eyes. "I'm sorry."

John just stared up at Sherlock for a moment absolutely dumbfounded. "I- well."

They paused just staring at each other. John's heart was racing again- but for a completely different reason.

"Thank you." He muttered.

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