Chapter 2

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"What about the presentation for today's meeting?" I asked Mr. Coulson who is the head of the department.

"It's done, sir. We just need you to approve it." I nodded at him.

"And the report on the TCX product 5C?" I asked him verifying a file on my desk.

"Yes sir. It's done." He answered.

"How many units of our new product are sold?" I asked signing the file.

"I-s-sir-" I looked up from my file when he stuttered.

"Yes?" I stressed expecting an answer. 

When I still didn't get one, I took a deep breath and stood up from my seat.

"We got a problem with that, sir." He answered quickly and gulped.

"Mr. Coulson, when I give you a task to complete, I expect it to be done. You know how badly I hate laziness. Don't you?" I folded my arms leaning back on my desk.

"Yes sir I know but-" I beat him.

"Well, if you love your job, I suggest you to take this as a last warning. I won't be this patient next time." He stood in front of me as if he would faint any given second.

"Oh for god's sake, Ethan, stop scaring that little man" a very familiar voice entered the room.

I turned back to see my best friend, also known as the most annoying person in the world, Ryan Parker.

Ryan Parker is one of the very famous actors and he has got a lot of people admiring him all over the world.

Ryan was my best friend since my childhood. I like him although he annoys me the most.

And for that sole reason, I wouldn't mind punching him square in the face just for a dollar.

He smiled at me and made his way towards me.

"Don't you have any shoot today?" I asked him sitting in my seat. He sat in front of me and shrugged his shoulders.

"I do. But you know I have this friend named Ethan who is very scary looking and a workaholic." He exaggerated addressing me indirectly.

"And?" I urged him to continue.

"Yeah. And this workaholic friend is so busy that he can't even answer his grandpa's call. So this workaholic's old man calls me to make you talk to him." He replied casually leaning back into his chair.

I processed his answer for a second before coming to a conclusion.

"Ryan. I don't understand." I frowned at him.

"I know it's too much to process. Basically, your grandpa told you to visit him this evening. Apparently he has something important to discuss with you." 

I nodded at him. He stared at me for a good minute before taking his phone out and just like that, he forgot that I'm still right here.

"What are you doing?" I asked him when I saw him deeply focused in his phone.

"This?" he said showing me his mobile screen "I got to know this cool game last night and I can't stop playing it. Do you want to try it?"

"How old are you? Eight?" I shook my head at him.

"Oh please, you don't need to be eight to play games. And by the way, it is you who sound like a sixty-year-old, scolding me." 

He gave me a sly smile before focusing back on his phone. I ignored him and turned towards Mr. Coulson who was right here all this time.

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