Chapter 9

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Do you ever feel like killing someone?

Only the thought of spending the rest of my life in prison stopped me from killing him right now.

I'm currently sitting at my desk killing Ethan for the hundredth time in my mind.

It has been quite some time since the meeting we had before.

Taking a deep breath, I calmed my nerves.

My stomach growled and I glanced at the watch to see it is noon.

I looked at the files that I have to work on and sighed.

It will definitely take a lot of time to complete.

I was working on the files when I heard a voice.

"Hey, hi." I looked up to see it is Sarah.

"Sarah. Hi." I greeted back.

"Lauren. do you want to grab lunch with us?"

Usually, I'm very bad at socializing.

Having a meal with someone you just knew will take a lot of extroverted energy.

The introvert urge to reject her and eat alone kicked off.

But I didn't want to come out as a mean person as she was good to me.

"Sure." Getting up from my seat, I walked toward her.

Soon we started walking towards Cafeteria.

"How is work? Is it too much to handle?" she started the conversation.

We entered the elevator and pressed the cafeteria button.

"No. It's pretty good." I smiled at her and she nodded.

"Of course, sir would go easy on you. After all, you are his wife" I frowned at her.


If only you know.

We found an empty table and ordered some food.

We were chatting casually when Leah came toward us.

Leah, the receptionist.

"Mrs. Kingston, I'm so sorry for my behavior in the morning."

Is she seriously going to apologize to me forever?

"It's Ok Leah. You can let it go now. And just call me Lauren" I smiled at her and she sat on the vacant chair.

"What did you do this time?" Sarah narrowed her eyes at Leah.

" Um... well. You know I was busy doing some work and I might have talked to Lauren rudely." She muttered weakly.

"I have told you a million times to check your attitude, Leah." Sarah scolded her like a mother scolding her teenage daughter.

"I don't understand how Betty keeps up with you," Sarah added.

"Oh, she loves me too much." Leah shrugged seeming proud.

"Betty is my wife's name." Leah addressed turning towards me.

I nodded my head.

"How long are you two married?" I asked her, eating fries.

"About a year now." Leah smiled at me.

"What about you Sarah?" I turned towards Sarah.

"Oh. She is not yet married but she does have a prince charming in the office." Leah wriggled her eyebrows looking at Sarah.

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