Chapter 41

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Writer's POV

Did you ever experience a drastic change in life? 

For some time, you were at one phase of life where nothing went your way making you hopeless. And then, the change happened and life fell into pieces perfectly as if the bad things in your life were to fit the puzzle.

That is what Ethan is feeling right now.

Nothing needed to make sense anymore to him as long as he was with Lauren. Not even Ethan would've thought that he had this sea amount of love in him to give others. But Lauren showed the other side of Ethan, surprising Ethan himself.

Ethan was trying to read the file for the last thirty minutes but God forbid he couldn't focus even on a single letter in the file.

His mind was not here. His thoughts were about a certain someone who seemed to occupy his thoughts in the day and appeared in his dreams in the night. 

The night when Ethan confessed his feelings for Lauren and she did the same seemed to play in his mind every time and everywhere. To say Ethan was the happiest when Lauren said that she loved him back would be an understatement. 

Sure, there are other girls in his life like Olivia from his college. But none comes close to Lauren.  Now that he realised how much he loved Lauren, he doubted if there was any genuine love from women from his past. He loves her like never before. The way he loved her would put even the greatest lovers in history to shame. 

They spent the next two days after that night at home cuddling, kissing and doing other explicit things. 

Ethan sighed at his distorted mind which is unable to focus on anything and looked out from his glass window where the culprit who occupied his mind usually sits. 

When he didn't see her at her desk, he frowned and thought about the places she could be.

Lauren could be at the cafeteria getting something to eat or with her friends, Leah and Sarah to chitchat amid working hours.

Ethan grabbed his phone that rested on the desk and the screen chimed when he unlocked his phone.

A soft smile graced his lips when he stared at the background picture of his phone. It was a picture of Lauren he had taken two nights back while she was savoring her hot chocolate wearing a hoodie over her head. It was a cute picture with a bit of chocolate on her smiling lips and her big eyes staring back at the camera. Although Ethan clicked the picture, it was actually Lauren who kept this picture as his phone's background as a prank but jokes on her, he loved that picture and didn't remove it.

He tapped her name which was saved as Beautiful Devil on the contact list and waited for her to pick up the call. Before, her name was saved as only devil but he changed her name recently.

Lauren was sitting on one of the tables laughing at Austin when her phone vibrated on the table. 

She was so exhausted doing her work that she decided to take a break and came to the cafeteria. And that was when she saw Austin sitting on one of the tables eating alone staring at nothing in particular.

For some reason, she felt bad when she saw him eating all alone in the deserted cafeteria except for a handful of people here and there. It's late afternoon, so there are not many people around. 

She didn't want to disturb him at first, knowing few people like to enjoy their me-time and eat lunch alone. Not every person who eats alone is pathetic or depressed. 

But Lauren knows Austin a bit. From what little she knows, he never eats alone. He always eats with his team members. Or sometime with Sarah and Leah. She remembered how Austin said that he loves dogs and Layla because they make him feel less lonely.

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