Chapter 32

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Writer's POV

"Eva," Ethan called unsure when he saw the person standing in front of Lauren.

His heartbeat paced and for some unknown reason, he felt the uneasiness and anxiety creeping up, waiting for that person to turn around.

Listening to her name being called, Eva turned around and her hazel eyes landed on the tall man in front of her.

Ethan's breath hitched for a moment when his eyes landed on the person he missed for a long time.

It's been what? Almost twenty years since he last saw her.

For Ethan, recognizing Eva wasn't hard as Isobel showed him pictures of Eva here and there whenever he met Isobel. She still had that same baby face except that she is tall right now. She has grown into a beautiful woman.

He wasn't sure of what he felt staring at his little sister. Happiness? Relief? Longing? Sadness? It was a mixture of everything.

Eva stared at the man in front of her with a frown plastered on her face.

She stared at him for a good moment and slowly the face started getting familiar to her, The familiar blue eyes with the sharp facial features.

Her eyes blinked unsure staring at the man in front of her and she didn't know how to react.

"Ethan?" She trailed off timidly doubting if she even got him right.

Ethan couldn't stop the smile that graced his lips when Eva called him. He doubted if she would even recognize him, but she did.

Eva has always been the most important person in his life after Mrs Kingston when they were children.

He would take all the punishments even when Eva was in the wrong. He loved her too much.

Eva continued staring at the man in front of her with a neutral expression.

If only she would let herself loose, she would run to him and hold her brother tight and tell him everything she wanted to say to him in all these past years.

She was afraid if she would blink then he would disappear and this will all just be a dream.

But the tears she felt streaming down her cheeks, confirmed that this is not a dream.

The love and the longing for her brother slowly turned into anger.

The fact that her father's death changed everything and her brother didn't even bother to meet her again angered her.

Eva treated him like a real brother and she was hurt when he never talked to her ever again. Never bothered to check on her or her mother.

Eva hated that Ethan never thought of her as a real sister. Just as a half-sister.

There were days when she wanted to just hold his hand and talk endlessly like the good old days, but everything and everyone changed after her father's death.

She stopped asking about Ethan or grandpa to her mother when she realized that it would make her mother upset.

She hoped that he would come one day.

To Eva when they were little, Ethan was like a superhero to her. he did anything and would get everything for her.

She hoped that he would come and make everything right. What could she do? She was just a little girl who loved superhero comics.

But the longing and rooting for her brother to meet her one day slowly got exhausting to Eva.

Time flew, and along with time, she changed too.

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