Chapter Thirty-Five

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The blood started pouring down her legs and soaking into her jeans, she looked down at it in terror before making eye contact with me.

The terrifying scream she let out of her mouth is still ringing in my ears.

We brought her to the hospital as fast as we could, by the time we arrived she was cramping and twisting in pain as her body trembled violently,one part of me wanted to shoot everyone around to get my anger out and the other was fearing for her life,the amount of blood she was soaked in looked like she got stabbed about ten times.

Right now I'm sitting in the waiting room losing my mind from worry, everyone's looking at me like I'm responsible for what happened to her and I can't help but to think it's true,I should have handled Anastasia and Cece myself instead of telling Maddy to do it,the amount of guilt I'm feeling in my heart is making me want to slam my head against a rock wall but I'm not leaving this hospital until I make sure she's okay.

"She'll be okay sweetheart"Mom whispers while rubbing my back soothingly.

My whole family came to the hospital as soon as they heard the news, Prince called them and told them Adelaine passed out because of me and my plans,I wanted to beat the hell him right on the spot but somehow I managed to gather the strength to stay quiet.

Ever since he met Adelaine he's been acting like an immature teenager,why is he acting that way? My guesses are either he likes her or he thinks she's too good for me,he sees this as an opportunity to get closer to her but what he doesn't know is that I would rather die than let him get close to Adelaine.

"Tskkk tskkk tskkkk".

I look up and see him shaking his head in disappoinment.


"Nothing,just disappointed in the decisions you make"I rest my elbows on my knees and look down at the floor, my jaw clenching tightly.

Don't do it, stay quiet for Adelaine.

"Prince,not the time,we wouldn't want you to get your ass beaten "Dad warns him but he just laughs loosely.

"By who? Kingston? That would probably happen, he messed Adelaine up nothing is stopping him from messing me up too".

My neck snaps in his direction and I force a smirk."What's the matter Prince? Jealous? You having highschool flashbacks?".

His smile fades and I chuckle."So you are? All of those women you wanted but not one wanted you,they were only talking to you in order to get close to me, that will have your ego bruised for life".

"Kingston that's enough, we're at a hospital for crying out loud"Mom speaks through her teeth.

"So? He started it"I stand up and walk towards him, holding my head high with my hands behind my back.

"I know what you're trying to do and I'm going to tell you right now that you can forget about it".

He tilts his head to the left and looks at me with amusement in his eyes."You really think I'm going to listen to the nonsense you tell me? Have you learned nothing?".

"For God's sake stop arguing,my sister is in there and they're doing God knows what to her, show some respect"Cece says with a pout on her face.

"What are you pouting for? You usually can't bare to look at her and now you're playing a good sister? You're so pathetic"Maddy snorts in annoyance.

"Oh shut up you spoiled rat".

Maddy gasps and slaps her knees standing up."Say it right to my face,I learned from the best I'll break your arms".

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