Please read- Important

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Hi everyone, before I update the newest part in a couple days I just wanted to update you all on some things. Firstly, this book is coming to a close, it only has about two chapters left and I'm going to finish it. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be writing a sequel, the reason mostly is because I don't know what else to add to it, and most importantly: I don't know how I would move the story forward in a second book. If you have ideas, and you really want me to write out a sequel please tell me, but I'm leaning towards not having a sequel.

Secondly, I am writing a book of my own called Without Words; an original piece and not a fanfiction that I have plotted out and started writing already. In a couple days I will post the first chapter for that book- Without Words - , but only after this book is done will I start posting the rest of the chapters normally.


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