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"Why do you have to look so much like Sherlock."  Mycroft says unhappily, going to sit down at his desk, only to turn around and toss me the red wig, I quickly catch it and put it away in my purse.  I shrug.

"You know.  Genes, dreadful sometimes isn't it."  I reply sitting in the chair in front of his desk so now we are facing each other, and at the same height for once.

"I still hate it how you can trick us without even batting an eye."

"It's a talent I have accumulated."  I smile duplicitously.

"Having the intellect of both Holmes brothers combined in their own sister."  Mycroft marvels, I roll my eyes.

"So tell me, why did you do it." 

"You saw the letter at the funeral, you know why."

"You didn't say directly why though."  He points out.

"The guy was going to kill all of us if I didn't die.  So, easy I faked my death."  I reply simply, leaning back into the chair crossing my arms, and to much of my brothers irritation I rest my feet up on his desk.

"Mary Watson helped you."  Mycroft states, narrowing his eyes at my feet, I nod.  "Well, better scurry off my dear sister.  I have much more important matters to attend to."  He ushers me out and I scoff.  Yea Mycroft, everything's more important than your little sister telling you she's not dead.  I let out an angry huff, and leave The Diogenes Club.  It's time to stop hiding.  Anistyn Jaime Maria Holmes is alive. 

Molly, I haven't seen her since I 'died'.  I barely even ever talked to her, but we were friends.  I hail a cab, and I'm on my way to Barts Morgue. 

Getting into the morgue wasn't hard at all, she isn't at her post it's pretty late at night, she most likely went to get some dinner.  Has a lot of work tonight, as expected.  I take seat on a stool by some tools on the counter, patiently waiting for Molly.  She comes in no more than five minutes later, her nose in a manilla folder, a ham & cheese sandwich in her other hand. 

"I thought you couldn't eat in here."  I ask her, making her jump but she doesn't look up.

"Well, we're not.  I'm hungry though."  Molly replies not recognizing my voice, and still scouring over her folder. 

"Hows Lestrade."  I ask timidly, we didn't know each other very well but I seemed to see him as a friend.  At that she looks up, seeing me she jumps back.

"Anistyn!!!"  She squeals running at me giving me a tight hug, giving me no option to if I want it or not.

"Molly...  Can't...  Breathe...."  I gasp for breath, and she lets go quickly giving me a warm smile.  "What, no yelling at me for being gone, or the interrogation of where I have been.  Or why I did it."  I ask bluntly.

"I'm not a Holmes, I won't demand things from a good friend like you, because I know I won't like the answer."  She replies softly, and I go to hug her, but it's feels awkward before I even do, so I don't.

"Molly, you don't know how relieved I am by you saying that.  By you accepting me."  I mumble honestly, and she gives me a sad smile knowing that Sherlock will yell at me when I go back to the flat.  Yelling at me for faking my death.  Yelling at me for being careless in his eyes.  He's Sherlock Holmes.  But his temper has never gotten to me, and it never will, but a having a friend that won't question your very existence is nice for a change.

We chat for hours, and I help her with her paperwork, and the rest of her work. (something I rarely do.) But now I have to go back home, to 221B Baker Street.  I have to adjust to normal, everyday life, not trying to hide from the people I love.

So I once again hail a cab and head to Baker Street, head home.  Walking up to the front door, unlocking it I hear gunshots, creeping up the stairs I press my ear to the door only to hear Sherlock yelling "Bored!" Over and over again.  Rolling my eyes I open the door and fall into the old chair across from Sherlock's only to quickly get up and get the bugs I had planted, sliding them into my pocket I go back the sit down again only to find Sherlock glaring at me. 


"I search weekly, no daily or even less for bugs in this flat, but yet I've never found THOSE!"  He raises his voice pointing to the trouser pocket I had the bugs in.

"Sherlock, I am a Holmes, I wouldn't have even faked my death if I knew I wouldn't have been able to fool you and Mycroft."  I reply snippily and he rolls his eyes before closing them and putting his hands to his temple, entering his Mind Palace.  This will be a long night I think to myself as I get up starting to brew some tea. 

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