The Army

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"Sherloooock." I complained, waking up in the guest bedroom, wanting food.

"What." Came his reply quite snippily.

"Drop it. Stop being such a seven year old that can't have candy." I hollered back angrily.

"Too late." Came a male voice that I didn't recognize, falling out of bed, a load thud came as I hit the floor. Rushed feet came to my door opening it to a blonde haired short man, making my deduction quickly.

"Served in Afghanistan as an ex-army doctor, you have a broth- no sister, you miss the thrill of the army so you joined Sherlock. Interesting, but that's not half of it, I'm just tired, sorry." I say tiredly but bluntly to the ex-army doctor. And he gapes at me.

"I thought for one second you actually found someone Sherlock, I had the tiniest sliver of hope. But no of course not." He says baffled

"So your, er another one then? Another Holmes?" The man continues. And Sherlock chuckles, I comically gape at him for the emotion.

"John, Anistyn. Anistyn, John." Then he points at his friend, "If anything happens to her, she gets kidnapped, falls into trouble, whatever she manages while I'm out. There will be no place for you to hide not from Mycroft, or me for that matter. Oh and be careful what you say, she's quite cold-hearted, and blunt when you get to know her." My brother warns protectively, and I truly am in awe, he never has been protective over me. Ever. Not even when I hacked the British government when I was seven, and I got into big trouble, not when I got kidnapped, no he didn't even bat an eye.

"O-okay Sherlock, I get it." John says, unsure why Sherlock's being so protective. Then my brother turns on his heel, and I hear the flat door close loudly, then the front door close as well. I close my eyes exhausted, and sigh.

"Well, erm this is a bit awkward."


"Breakfast?"  He turns back around, and starts to walk back into the main room.

"Not hungry.. Your middle name is Hamish?" and he stops dead in his tracks. I smile miscieviously.

"Sherlock told you." He guessed.

"No, just a guess, but spot on I assume."

"Uh huh." Came his reply, shaky of how good I am at deducing. "And your the Eldest of the siblings?" I snort.

"No, not even close, I am the youngest."

"Youngest?!" His jaw drops.


"Haven't a clue why Sherlock said you were cold-hearted, and blunt, your quite nice, and inoccent, compared to yours brothers." John states, he's been babysitting me, since I'm apparently not capable of taking care of myself while Sherlocks out.

I scoff at his statement, and drop my act. "Oh I'm far from, kind, and farther from innocent." I say menacingly, with the cold, flat, and deadly voice that belongs to me. Instead of the sweet, girly one I once had used. My eyes narrow, "You see, my brothers have taught me well, but they were never prepared to learn that I had joined the army, when I told them they where horrified, and they forbade me from joining. And truthfully I think they were right. Because the first casualty of war is innocence. And I have never been the same since." My words were dagger, all kindness gone, my true character revealed.

"Do your brothers know?" His response was one of true terror, "You're a phycopath." and he left the flat quickly without my reply.

"Highly functioning sociopath!" I holler after him, and I hear him mutter "Just like Sherlock, just like him." And I flop down onto my brothers chair, picking up his violin I carefully plucks the strings, and wait for his return.

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