A Funeral

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Today is my funeral, Anistyn's funeral. I pace back and forth wearing a path in the dark carpet, debating if I should go or not. I look at the wall clock, it reads five minutes after nine in the morning. The funeral is scheduled for ten, I turn to my room, to get ready. I decide on black formal dress and a simple necklace made out of crystals I bought. I curl my red hair to frame around my face, coat each eyelash thickly in mascara and thickly apply makeup to the rest of my face, Anistyn never wore makeup. Looking at my reflection I don't see Anistyn one bit, I see a strong woman, looking older than she actually is she looks very Scottish at heart as well.

Walking down the narrow path towards her grave I see a tall man with thick curly dark brown hair. Sherlock. Another man with an umbrella, he looks to be leaning on it for support. Mycroft. They both turn around quickly once my foot snaps a stick on accident, Sherlock's brow furrows, and Mycroft looks amused, but his eyes show a weakness I've never seen before.

"Name." Sherlock asks harshly.

"Summer Nielson." I say in my flawless Scottish accent, and both brothers look taken aback by it. Now I notice the stationary clutched tightly in Sherlock's hand. Mycroft sees me looking at it in confusion so he looks at it as well, quickly grabbing the paper from his brother he un-crumples it, and reads it carefully. His eyes start to water then he looks up suddenly sensing me watching him and his eyes immediately clear up.

"How did you know her, she never mentioned you." Mycroft questions.

"Well, we worked together swhile back, and we became friends, then I moved, lost touch. Then I had to write an article about her death?!" I send fake tears down my cheeks, streaming from my eyes, making sure to keep my accent intact.

"Your a journalist. Anistyn never involved herself in the media of any kind." Sherlock growls, and I hand him the copy of the letter "Anistyn" wrote, "She gave this to me awhile go. Said if somthing ever happened to her to give this to you." His eyes widen, realizing I dropped the letter off at h his front door, but he quickly confiscates the letter for testing I presume.

"Sorry, I just wanted to say my respects." They both nod curtly, and I walk away but quickly duck behind a tombstone to put on a brunette hair wig. If I am going to listen in on them I can't have bright red hair. I slip out of the graveyard and head towards the woods close by to where my grave is. Once I arrive I crouch down to not attract attention, and listen carefully.

"Anistyn never spoke of a Scottish friend." I hear Sherlock say

"No, never that I can remember, and we would have remembered." Mycroft replies worriedly.

"Maybe she-"

"Sherlock, your just trying to find someone to blame, but I will run a backround check on her.. But let's just forget about her, she's too slow. Too much of a goldfish." I silently scoff, me? A Goldfish? Honestly Mycroft, you call me too slow, but then again I have the intellect of both of them combined, so it makes sense that I can trick them this well. Pulling out my phone I quickly make my birth certificate, license, everything for an ordinary person to show up on the background check. I smile slyly, and walk away. This will be the last time I see my brothers for many, many years.

A/N Hi everyone! Please comment or vote, do something, don't be a silent reader. Tell me what you think! I don't think this book is spectacular, but hey I won't know unless you tell me. False Identity is on hold currently, so I can get her my thoughts on that, since I'm having major writers block with that book. Thanks!

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