Chapter 23

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Third POV

The family watched as Francesco takes Mia upstairs. All with love in their eyes excited to see her in a few hours.

"So, how has the adjustment been?" Salvatore asks  once they disappeared from eyesight.

"Overall, it's been good. We were worried about how much time it would take for her to be comfortable with everyone. Luckily, she seems to welcome people. It seems her trust issues aren't as bad as we thought, but she is hesitant over simple things such as food. She loves to eat, but she doesn't eat the correct proportions for her age. There are other minors things, but we will work everything out." Maria responds.

Just as she finishes her response, Francesco comes downstairs with a smile on his face.

"You look so happy, fratello." Roberto said.

"I am. Mia is finally home and everything seems to be in place." He replies whiling moving over to his wife.

"Well, she should be asleep for about 2 hours give or take, so I suggest you guys rest for the following events and hangout with each before she wakes and takes all of your attention." Maria says.

With that the boys finish their meals and head off throughout the house for their own family bonding.

The eldest siblings  Tony, Alessandro, Stefano, Marcello, and William head downstairs to the weapons room. Their supplier has been messing around with some new designs and needed them to test them out to work out any kinks. Once they got their weapons of choice they went out into the woods to work on target practice. This has always been something that all the boys enjoyed doing together, but especially the eldest.

Leo, Nicolo, Sam, and Oliver decided to head to the guest house and work on some new recipes. Nicolo and Sam have been traveling throughout Europe for business, but during their stays they attended numerous cooking workshops to learn more about the country and their cuisines something that they always bonded over when they were traveling with their parents.

Santi, Silvio, Giovanni, James and Noah decided to head downstairs to relax and catch up on some shows. Although the boys are still in college and ruthless to the outside world, they love a good drama. One of their favorite, "Bridgerton", just released a new season and they were excited to see who Anthony would fall for.

The youngest decided to head to the pool and play some basketball for pass time. In the pool they were playing a fierce game of volleyball. The 17 year old were losing by one point to the 19 year old.

"Come on Santo" yelled his twin from the side.

"Shut up!" he yelled back as he hit the ball the other side.

Nothing as refreshing as a friendly game of volleyball. During that time, the eldest came out of the woods discussing which weapon they liked and thought of different improvements that could be made in house. As they were passing the pool, a ball flew straight to Tony's face. 

"SHIT. SORRY!" Romeo replied.

That earned him a glare from Tony. Tony and rest of the oldest  boys look at each other communicating with their eyes when they decided to attack. Two of them jumped in the pools while the others got out the water guns. Eventually, all of the boys were outside attacking each other water guns, buckets of water whatever they could get their hands on. They were having a blast.

The parents and grandparents were in the living room when they saw their boys rushing outside and followed. They were all smiling looking at the family that has been created.

"I am happy you guys didn't follow my orders." Salvatore said watching his grandchildren running around.

Maria and Francesco looked at each and smiled saying "me too" at the same time.

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