Chapter 35

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Francesco POV

I cannot believe it is already Monday. Mia is starting summer camp with JJ today. Last week was hectic, with everyone attempting to tie up some loose ends. However, some of the issues led to more leads and questions that we have to get to sooner rather than later. But I think once we get a schedule with Mia going, we will be able to handle the issues better than previously.

The schedule we chose was the 10 am to 3 pm slot. It is a long time for her to be away from us, but we thought it was necessary since she will start school in the fall and it would have similar hours. Unlike school, the camp has a 45 min time slot for a nap which Mia still needs.

"Honey, can you go get Mia from the boys and make sure they didn't rile her up too much?" I hear my wife say from the shower.

"Of course. You know I can still join--"

"Go get Mia," she says, cutting me off.

As I exit the bathroom, I hear a faint "later." And with that response, I have a permanent smirk on my face. Still got it.

I walk downstairs to see Mia, the twins, and Rocco watching tv while the boys feed her different pieces of fruit.

"Mia!" I say to get her attention.

She whips her head around, smiles, and starts sprinting to me. This is her new habit; she loves doing it to everyone.

"PAPA!!" She giggles once she is in my arms.

This, of course, ends with her receiving plenty of kisses.

"Are you excited about camp?" I ask her as I head back upstairs to change her.

"Mhmm. Bubbas say I g-get friends," She says shyly.

Mia's stutter has decreased again. She has also been more bubbly recently. Maria has set another appointment for Saturday with Iris.

"Are you excited to make new friends?" I ask her, trying to brighten her spirit.

"I g-guess," She says as she snuggles into my neck.

"You will make plenty, I promise," I tell her as I help her change into the outfit that Tony picked out earlier. He could not be here since he was dealing with laundering issues that came up, but he still wanted to show support for her.

"Do you like it? Tony picked it out for you," I tell her as she does her usual spins in the mirror.

"Tony?" She says questioningly

"Yep. He had to be in the office early today. So, he thought you would like if he picked an outfit for your first day of camp."

"I do." She says, smiling up at me.

"Great. Let's go downstairs, say goodbye to your brothers, and then head to the camp, si,"

"SI" She yells and runs out of the room and down the stairs

"CAREFUL! " I yell after her, hopefully alerting her brothers that she is heading their way

As I headed down the stairs, I met with my wife; all put together for the day.

"You look lovely as always," I tell her as I kiss her cheek.

"Thanks, babe. Mia downstairs already?" She asks while we descend the stairs

Before I can respond, we are met with laughter as we turn the corner and see Mia being passed to each brother as they kiss her to death.

"Remember, no boys," Vince says as he kisses and tickles her

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