Extra Chapter:Shen Chuchu

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Shen Chuchu as far as she remembers grew up in an orphanage.

Life in an orphanage was never a glorious thing for her, she hated it! She hated it to the core! to the bottom of her heart!

Her thinking was different from the other children's.

The innocent mind that the children possess didn't exist in her.

Every time she felt like she was suffering from an unfair world! but she doesn't have a choice but to grit her teeth and swallow everything waiting, waiting for the right time so she can leave the wretched place!

And she didn't wait long, when she turn 10 someone take her in.

The old lady was grand! for her, she was like a queen! She got super proud when the other children look at her with envy when she enter a very luxurious car.

The old lady was named Mi Lyn, she said that she will take care of her, although she cannot legally adopt her but she will still take her as her own.

Shen Chuchu was already contented at that time! but when you grew up and you tasted a rich life you will get greedy and can't help but to want more!

Mi Lyn is giving her all expensive dresses, shoes, bags, and jewelry! She is living in a grand villa with helpers, she has her own chef, cleaners, and drivers.

She thought that she is now the richest but when she started school everything changed,

The school she enter is an international private school, almost all of the rich young misses and young master was studying there!

She enter proudly but she go out feeling defeated!

Compare to what she has was nothing to them! For them, everything she possesses is not as expensive as they have!

And she started to hate Mi Lyn! She was very rich but why she is giving her those cheap goods?

She didn't realize that her things were although not as expensive as them, but it was in no way cheap! but because she is already blinded by envy and jealousy she didn't realize that!

When she is in her sophomore year a teenager comes to her asking her to do something for him,

He showed her a very beautiful pink diamond necklace as payment if she succeeded so she agreed without thinking,

And their target was Long Shan, she was thinking that maybe Long Shan will really fall for her when everything is settled, she like him because of his last name, and she knew that the Long Family is extremely rich.

But she didn't succeed in seducing him although his girlfriend and he broke up she still fail in that plan.

When she graduates from college Mi Lyn shows a picture to her and asks

"Do you think he is handsome?"

Shen Chuchu was starstruck! he is the most handsome man she had ever seen!

Compare to the handsome she saw before it was no way to compare!

"He is my grandson! He will become yours!do you want that?"

Shen Chuchu happily nod and Mi Lyn told her what to do!

At first, it was perfect! everything is going according to their plan but a slight diversion came and everything falls!

Qi Xiao escape, so Han Min become stranged to her, she thought that she can make him fall so she tried harder!

She helped a lot of people and befriend them so there will be soon someone who will clean Qi Xiao but all of them failed!

They fall and dragged her with them!

When a certain family fell a man named Shen Xin took her, she thought that he will take good care of her but she was sold by an old man!

The old man has a disgusting habit, he like seeing a woman being tortured and bleeding in bed!

The first night she thought that she will die but she was left with one breath and thrown somewhere.

Whenever she heal he will take her and this life lasted for whole two years until a new plaything came.

Whenever she was almost tortured to death she is always blaming Qi Xiao!

She never blames herself because in her mind she only wants to have a good life! In her mind, it was not a crime but she forget that if she didn't become greedy she won't end up like that!

When she learned that Shen Xin wants revenge, she begged him to bring her along and so he did.

After trying to kill Qi Xiao and failed they escape but She Chuchu was captured back to the old man's house to torture her over and over again.

When she heard that Shen Xin was captured and thrown into prison she stand up, kill the old man, rob him, and escape.

But it was not easy, even though Han Min was still in a coma, there is his dad, the Qi family, and Long Shan.

So she was also thrown into jail in no time.

And her life is no different between with the old man and inside the jail.

She was sentenced to life imprisonment, and while being tortured and harassed by women prisoners, she is asking herself where did she go wrong?

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