Chapter 76

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Han Min raise his eyebrow with interest,

Han Yun doesn't care about him so she answers without a second thought

"This bastard Han Min!"

Qi Xiao paused for a long while then comforted her again

"Yeah! your brother is really a bastard! we won't talk to him anymore okay? Don't worry!"

Han Yun was finally comforted and looked smugly at her brother, Han Min smirked and ask

"Are the bitemarks still painful?"

Qi Xiao was stunned hearing his voice she was skeptical then blushed and curse him in her mind!

He is doing it on purpose!it is surely on purpose!

Hearing no reply from the other side he continues

"Mine was still stinging!"


Han Yun was baffled by their conversation so she asks

"What bite?"

Qi Xiao answer through her gritted teeth

"I was bitten by a crazy dog! Yun Yun, I still have something"

"Try hanging and I will pause the bitemark on my official social media account"

Han Yun was clueless and thinking hard so she didn't notice Han Min standing up and walking towards her.

She only noticed him when he snatched her phone away

"Hey, that is my phone! give it back!"

And she didn't know what happens next! She only knew that right now she is standing outside her brother's office while her phone is still with him.

She crazily wanted to pound on the door but seeing the employees she angrily stomp her feet and sat down in the waiting area.

Meanwhile, Qi Xiao only paused for a while and said

"I have nothing to tell you!"

Han Min smile feeling contented because the light bulb is finally gone so he happily 'flirts' with his wife.

"But I have a lot of things to tell you!"

"I am not interested! give the phone back to Yunyun!"


He answers evilly

"Then what do you want?"

Qi Xiao finally gave in! That makes Han Min laugh.

His wife really knows him best!


Qi Xiao's lips twitch

"I am not a restaurant!"

Han Min laugh

"Baby you really know how to crack me up!"

"Why not I really crack you up? who is your baby?"

She asks deadpan

"Baby don't be like that! What will happen in our future happiness?"

"Who the hell cares about your future happiness? Don't make things up!"

Han Min laughed but didn't push it anymore and go back to their main topic

"Baby I am talking about the food you make!"

"I am not available!"

She refused precisely

"Then there will be a huge scandal tomorrow! or even now!"

He blackmailed

"Who will believe you? the people will only think that it was from your fiancee!"

Han Min chuckle and explain slowly

"We left together, she came back earlier and we returned together! what do you think?"

Qi Xiao grits her teeth! when it comes to being shameless no one can beat this man!

"You are crazy!"

Han Min laugh more

"You already know that part of me! so do we have a deal now?"

If the thought can kill, Han Min is already dead a million times now!

"I will only send you if I cooked and it will be sent to your office! I don't care if you are there or not!"

Han Min happily agreed feeling proud of himself, the billion-dollar deals he closed are nothing compared to the deal that he make with his wife.

Qi Xiao slumps on her bed feeling weak!

She is powerless when it comes to Han Min!

She is now questioning herself if it is the right decision to return now?

She felt that she needed more time to deal with the lunatic Han Min!

Her thoughts while angrily gritting her teeth.

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